nuts do they grow back?

My male cat was neutered early, he started marking so I had him fixed. His balls are large again and he is marking and humping our neighboors cat? he had this procedure done a two years ago is this normal?

Answer #1

No they don’t, but my male cat was neutered at a 12 weeks of age and I won’t do that again because he acts like he was never neutered. It is a good thing I keep him in the house or he would most likely be trying to get at the female cats because when they are in heat he yowls and wants out.

I did not neuter him early because I wanted to, the Vet I had at the time recommended it. But I will say he does not look like he has anything grown back.

Answer #2

They remove the testicles when they neuter a cat - they can’t grow back.

If he has some sort of ‘growth’ there, you might want to have him looked at by the vet.

Answer #3

Haha.. They wont grow back

Answer #4

ha ha yea gone means gone. lol

Answer #5

once hes fixed… hes fixed for good.

Answer #6

hahahahahahahahahahahaha nuts dont grow back

Answer #7

No they won’t grow back. To me this seems more like a behaviour issue, and a fairly common one at that!

You just need to understand that your cats instinct is to mark his territory and you can’t stop instinct. What you can do is make it clear that your house isn’t his territory… but outside and the litterbox is! :P

This might take some time but once your cat knows that the house is your territory and you are much bigger than him he will stop marking. You might see him trying to push his luck every so often but just keep reinforcing and he’ll get it eventually.

One thing you could do is move him to his litterbox or outside whenever you see him trying to mark. You could also rub a piece of clothing with your scent on it all around the house to reinforce that the house is yours.

If he still persists then I would actually suggest challenging him whenever you see him marking by chasing him off your teritory. This may seem extreme but it need only be the garden or litterbox, and as animals live in the moment he won’t hate you for it. In fact if anything he might respect your understanding of his language! :P

Hope this helped!

Answer #8

LOL - this is funny. Maybe not if it’s for real. My cat was fixed 7.5 years ago. Recently he has started ‘humping’ my leg under the covers. He does the same to bunched up blankets or pillows. I’m not talking about Smurgling or whatever - I mean he goes to town. So - I called the vet to ask if indeed these items may not have been removed in the first place. Well, it turns out that even the the equipment was removed, the desire isn’t. So your cats huge ‘balls’ are probably not his real balls but a swelling or some sort.

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