Newsletter Preferences

It seems like whenever I answer or ask a question, the category that question’s in always appears checked in my newsletter preferences – so I get questions in that category. I’ll go and uncheck everything then answer/ask another question. That category is checked again. So if this makes sense, is there something I can do to keep the check-boxes always unchecked so I don’t receive questions in my e-mail inbox??

Answer #1

I agree….please put it back the old way, thanks

Answer #2

We realize this is an issue & we’re working on a solution. If this has caused any inconvenience, I apologize.

Thanks for understanding & not getting upset with us :) I’ll update this when the issue has been sorted.

Answer #3

So, the feature has been updated to manage your subscription (email) preferences:

Visit this page to unsubscribe from categories:

Visit this page to unsubscribe from threads you’ve participated in:

Thanks for being patient with us. Now when you answer a question, it’s a “opt in” to subscribe to that category.

Let us know if you see any other bugs, etc.

Best, thedude

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