My son won't go poo in the toilet.

How do I get my 3yr old son to go poo in the toilet. I have tried it all. The rewards, presents, praise, having him clean it himself, sitting him there for 30mins, decorating his own toilet, reading while going, singing, letting the water run. He still goes on himself. He will sit on the toilet for 30mins then get off pull up his pants and go poo on himself. He goes pee standing up. What can I do?

Answer #1

My boys both went pee in the potty before they went poop. They wore pull ups for about 6 months before I wore underwear on them. And then they would poop in their underwear. Kinda gross but I made them help to clean them up. It wasn’t that much fun when they had to clean up the mess. It took awhile and a lot of kids learn to go pee first. Something about flushing a part of themselves down the potty. At least that’s what my boys told me.

Answer #2

I would put his diaper back on, and not stress him too much, definitely don’t make him clean up the mess on his own. He’s still too young to warn you about the feelings he gets when he’s ready for a bowel movement. If you put him on the toilet just because its after his meal, and he’s not ready, nothing will happen.

He needs to be the one to say, “Mommy, I feel like I need to go to the toilet now” – it will happen, but let him choose when he needs to go. In the mean time, the diaper will help save the mess.

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