My shih tzu missed her cycle

Her cycle was suppost to be in late august early september and its november why won’t she have it?

Answer #1

If this is the case and you know she was not breed I would go to the vet. Is she due for her yearly exam? That is unusual.

Answer #2

Unless you breed her she is not pregnant. little dogs may take longer. My chi went almost 9 months in between heat’s. How old is she? Have you ever breed her? Do you have a male in the house?

Answer #3

It took my chihuahua almost 9 months to get her heat for the second time. Did you breed her? How many heats has she had so far? did she ever have a liter?

Answer #4

Now witch is it. She is not going into heat or she is not getting pregnant?

Answer #5

pregnant unless shes older then she might be going through doggy metopause

Answer #6

maybe she pregnant…

Answer #7

I do not have a male, he lives down the street. she has had about 10 cycles because she just turned 5. she has never missed one

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