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~free~ A drop falls as her heart beats Her breath is a misty fog She’s cold And numb She doesn’t know it She doesn’t want to show it

She wants to be strong She wants to look proud Look independant

She wants to get away She wants to be free

Free from all those tears All his lies throughout the years

Free from a world of chaos Free from a world without us.

Answer #1

Thats well good! Bravo you! :D

Answer #2

I like the idea behind it, and the way it comes together at the end. It can use a bit of work, I’m sure you can do better. Perhaps try using a bit of metaphors, symbolism perhaps. But it’s good.

Answer #3


Answer #4

If its not your best, your best myst be great! Very very good indeed.

Answer #5

thanks(:I appreciate it(: I have to say this is not my best.

Answer #6

its ok

Answer #7

it is a very nice poem… we have to wriite poems in school, I just wish I can come up with great poems like you did.

Answer #8

its very good I like it a lot

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