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My parents smoke pot...
Yes they do. They have forever, but I found out when I was like seven maybe. What really killed me was when I overheard that they were going to quit, but after a few weeks they began to smoke again. It is illegal so please do not say that I should let them do it. I am thirteen, but not naive, and not stupid. I know it is wrong. Yes, they smoke it around me. My mom is the only worker, but she makes a lot of money. Guess what? We can barely afford the necessity’s. I know where the money goes, and it upsets me. I am depressed, and a coward. I can’t just tell them that it hurts, that I cry myself to sleep. Please some one help.
Locked for control
Phrannie, I’m sorry but I don’t feel you are really helping the young lady, actually I feel like you are patronizing her and making her feel worse than she already does. The problem is that this little girl is aware that her parents are imbibing in something that is not only bad for their health(and hers since they do it around her and exposing her to second hand smoke) but also that is illegal to boot!! She is afraid and that matters more than what her families income is. She should not have to come on her to ask a question and try get help and basically is treated like sh** particularly from an ADVISOR!!!
Whatintheworld…u should really try to talk to your parents and tell them exactly how you feel!! It may not be easy at first! But after you break the ice with them, it may become easier. I would think they would want to hear about your concerns. If by chance they are unwilling to listen or change do you have relatives in town or nearby that you are close to? Could you talk to them and do you think they would be willing for you to come and live with them? Truth is, the rest of the famlly probably knows or suspects what’s going on with your parents and may be willing to help. And, faced with the fact that their child no longer wants to live with them MAY help them to shape up!! I hope you can get something accomplished that will make you happy. you are too young to have to live with so many tears. Good luck!! :•)
Talk to a family member or close family friend and see if you can stay with them.
Usually I am for marijuana and would tell you that your parents are grown and can make their own choices - but it should not be interfering with their finances and you should not be going without nessacities. Have you tried talking to them about it?
at least they aren’t drunks
First of all, at 13, I wonder exactly what you consider is a LOT of money…what exactly is you annual income? $20,000? $30,000? $100,000? Necessities…do you have lights, heat…food…a roof over your head? Does water come out of the tap? Do you have clothes that keep you warm?
What might be considered a “necessity” at 13, may not be considered a necessity by an adult…
Do you know how much she makes every month…how much it costs to keep them in pot?
That is true, only alcohol can’t make YOU unhealthy (body wise–and not talking about mental health,etc)from secong-hand drinking. True, it could be worse drugs or abusive behaviors along with the addiction and YES pot is addictivea, I don’t care what others believe. I’ve read too many studies both pro and con and the cons win it. The studies were legit with no “contamination”—people trying to weigh the studies. Just comes out plain and simple–pot is addictive. Want more proof? Watch the 1st season of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew Pinsky. If anyone here remembers the show Family Matters (with Urkel!! NO ONE can forget Urkel!!). The youngest sister of the Winslow’s was all grown up (maybe 19 or 20) and was in rehab for her addiction TO POT. I’m really digressing here,I’ll stop now!!
All of my relatives that live anywhere close(the closest being three hours) also smoke pot. And phrannie I doubt that my family’s annual income is any of your business. As I said, I am not stupid. I know the value of money, and I know what the needs are. I also know how expensive it is. So I really think you should consider that not all youth are immature.
Is there any way you could confront them? You are not weak at all. I think you are strong to come here and ask or help and advice. If you look on the internet there are loads of groups for children if their parents or family members are using drugs or are alcoholics etc. My dad smokes pot and uses other drugs aswell. I don’t live with him as he and my mum split up when I was like 2 (im fifteen now) but I decided not to see him anymore because of this and other things. I know thats not an option for you and I really feel for you. Do you have any close friends you can talk to? This might sound weird but if you feel you can trust one of your friends parents that might help also. Good luck xxx
I went through the same thing at that age. My mom had a good income– around $50K a year– and my step-dad didn’t work, just smoked pot all day. I didn’t have “necessities:” they only went to the grocery store to get their “munchies” and hid them from us kids. Talking didn’t do any good; I quite literally got my rear kicked for saying something. You do have an advantage because you know it is wrong and are not likely to do it in the future. It doesn’t seem like it now but you will be an adult soon and able to make your own choices. And one day when you have kids you can learn from their mistakes.
One of my friends knows, but I couldn’t tell them. The friend that knows tried it, and her parents got so angry. They would most likely call CPS if they found out. I could barely tell my best friend how much it hurt. I am a coward. I can’t confront them… My brother does it(he is 20) and he lives with us, and my sister is 15, and who knows if she will? My grandparents do it, so what if I am next? I know that sounds silly, but who knows if I will get any weaker?
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