My niece is shy

well she has always been very shy at school and other places I realy wish she could find some good friend when she goes back to school she is 13 years old so she realy needs friends she is a nice girl very sweet she has had friends but they use her for her stuff and money sometimes please help

Answer #1

I am just like that, it is confidence. She should just concentrate on making a friend at a time and when she gets to know someone well, she will come out of her shell.

Really encourage her to take the initiative to say hi. It does help.

The best of luck

Answer #2

just let her be her… maby mention that she can tryout for sports that always builds sefl esteem! dont tell her “oh your so shy, go make some friends.” dont bother her about being shy.. let her be whoever she wants

Answer #3

okay thanks you all

Answer #4

its just a faze soon she will break out of her shell.

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