How can I stop my niece?

My niece is a bully. She is 11 years old is 5’ tall and weighs 168 pounds. She bullys and picks on kids who is smaller than her or kids with mental problems! Just today the little boy next door came to our house he is 8 years old. He has AD/HD and a lot of other disorders. Well she runs outside kicks him off his bike for no reason and hit him and knocked the wind out of him!

I have 3 boys of my own and im scared she will try to hurt them. They are only 5, 3, and 9 months. I tell her parents on her all the time they never do nothin about it what can I do?

Answer #1

I would give her a try of her own medicine. You start bulling her and see how she feels then explain the same feeling goes trough those kids who she bullies! And explain to her how kids whit mental problems should not be made fun of or hit because what comes around goes around! Good luck!:)

Answer #2

Thanks for all the advice I really think that this kid is capable of killing another kid. She acts like Mary Bell a little girl in england that killed a 7 and 3 yr old in the 60s also she don’t care about knowone but herself!

Answer #3

Wow. It is scary how the teen mind thinks. I would not suggest trying to pick on an 11 year old. All you’ll teach her is that the bigger you are the more you can hurt people. You can’t do anything about your niece. But you can keep your kids away from her. If she misbehaves with them, all you have to do is tell her parents that you will not allow her around your kids until she learns.

Answer #4

ever watch king of the hill they got that one episode where the kid like picks onhank and hank tells the kids parents and they say oh hes just showin he likes u what if the girls parents are like that ?

Answer #5

I would not bully her your self you should pay a bigger kid to do it for you or summtin. but givin her her own medicine would not work cause normaly they do for atteion and stuff showin her how it feels would show her that shes like you no leavin an impreasion

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