My friend made a big mistake.

My friend sent naked pictures of herself to a guy over the phone because he was threatening to kill himself if she didn’t. If it was me, I would not have done it. I would have tried to persuade him to get mental help yada yada. But anyway, she DID it. I don’t want to stop being her friend, but I DON’T DON’T DON’T want to be badly influenced and I don’t want to hang out with her if she continues to act badly. She’s never really been a close friend & she’s always the one trying to get me to do bad things, like drink. (Which I wouldn’t. Please don’t give me any “goodie-two-shoes” crap. I’M ONLY 13!) Plus she is immature and cusses like non-stop. But a lot of times I feel like she is very insecure and needs a reliable friend to look after her. WHAT SHOULD I DO??

Answer #1

You can’t spend your life babysitting your friends. She needs to start acting more responsibly, especially if it’s afffecting you.

You don’t have to look after her - let her parents do that.

Answer #2

you shouldnt have to do that…let her take care of herself…find better friends who wont pressure you into things


Answer #3

he would have been just one dead stupid guy because I wud have never sent them

Answer #4

tell her to get help

Answer #5

she should probably call the police. when someone is saying theyre going to kill themselves thats something that shouldnt be taken lightly. I had a friend who went to his ex girlfriends house and told her in person that he was going to kill himself and after he left she called the police turned out he was on cocaine and he tried to hang himself. someones death was prevented because she contacted authoritites. your friend shouldnt have to send naked pictures of herself to anyone especially if its being demanded because thats like sexual harassment. she should have contacted police to begin with.

Answer #6

its not your job to straighten her out, and if you tried you will most likeley fail. its her parents jobs and appearantly they arent doing it right if she is sending nude pics to random guys. BTW that is illegal, and you know about it and thats a crime too because you know about the whereabouts of child pornography.

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