My father and god

If my own father can leave me, then what does that tell us about god.. What if god doesnt like me or want me or in all probability he hates me.?..

Answer #1

“what does that tell us about god?” it tells us that God lets people make their own choices, (for better or for worse,) even when it hurts other people. -our ability to choose is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us. we can use it for better or for worse. your dad apparently made a bad choice. perhaps you can live your life better than he did. good luck with that.


Answer #2

I know that many people in this life have a deeply profound impact on our lives, whether by their presence, or by seperation. I feel your pain, in that I have not seen my own mother since I was nine I believe. She chose to leave me and my sister, and it has made a big difference in my life. It impacts the way you feel and act towards others when someone betrays you like this. But to put his leaving you on God is the wrong answer.

God tells us many wonderful things. One of them being that through all things he will work for the good of those who believe in Him. He loves each one of us in a personal way. Instead of hating him or not believing in Him because of your father, let Him take that role in your life.

Also, it may help you to write a letter to your father, even if you never get to send it to him, telling him all the things he missed and giving him your forgiveness. I know it has helped me.

Answer #3

Just Becuase what your father did doesn’t make god not there. Trust me, I’ve been through pretty bad situations myself and have asked myself “Why did god choose to ruin my family out of the billions there are in the world (and possibly others)?”. But I realized that things can go down and things can go back up. God doesn’t do all good, and he doesn’t do all bad, he listens to prayers, and does his job. I hope I helped!! Good Luck! God Bless! hehehe!

Answer #4

I am christian but I dont go to church. my mom stopped taking me too church when I was like 7. and I would walk to one. but in utah its a Mormon state ,, so the nearest catholic church is like 21 miles away.

Answer #5

well no actually. I never knew my dad. and when I watched fight club the other day., what he said really made me think about it,

Answer #6

hi lol, rember God knew you before even the day you were concieved in your mom’s womb. He knews your name, He knows your every thought even before you beginning to think, He sees each tear that falls, He knows ua tomorrow…Your earthly father is not the really father buta God’s steward. He was just appointed by God to take care of His Angel (u) and he will be accounted for just as you will be if you will be blessed with children. Remember in the Holy Gospel when Mary the mother of Jesus and His brothers went to see Him when He was preaching, he said that my mother and brothers are those who listen to my word and obey.Borrow a leaf from that. Don’t think that you cannot be an example ofJesus becoz Galatians 2:20 says that we were dead in him and we are now Risen in him. Live by faith not by sight and you will never be disappointed sweetie. Remember we are not here on earth long time but we are here for good time and the good times come to those who believe in the beauties of their dreams.

I always say that I would rather live as if there is God to die and find that there is non than live as if there is no God and die to find that there is one. Cheers buddy

Answer #7

Awww honey… God would never hate you… He loves you , like no other, and his word says that when a father or mother forsakes you, he will take you up. So, that means that you will actually have a special place in his heart, because it was not his desire that you should live in a home that is seperated by divorce. The words says that He hates divorce, (or putting away) because of the pain that is involved in broken homes. If you will seek him, with all your heart, you will find him. And once you find him, he will never let you go. He will hold you tight to his bosom. And shower you with his love and concern. Meet him, thru the power of his spirit, as well as thru his word. He can and will speak to you both ways. My earthly father took his life, when I was 10, so, I can say of a surety that God will do exactly what he says he will do.

Seek him.

Answer #8

Your father leaving you doesn’t tell you anything about any gods, but it tells you a lot about your father.

Answer #9

Then here’s a bit of advice for you in the future:

If you find something – in movies, in music, in life – that speaks to you, internalize it, process it, add to it, subtract from it, and make it your own before you re-release it into the world. Simply parroting someone else’s ideas makes one seem unoriginal at best and a plagiarist at worst.

Answer #10

Haven’t you read the bible? It talks a lot about love. like” for God so loved the world that he gave his only son” john 3:16 Your own father is a sinner and sinners do bad things. Read the bible…God knows how many hairs are on your head and her never lies…so read the bible start with John…new testament…just pick it up…gb

Answer #11

So…getting all your wisdom from Brad Pitt movies or just this little nugget?

Favor us from something from the book of Stallone next?

Answer #12

Ya know I am sorry your father decided he couldnt be a dad to you but God is nothing like your father and I hope that you will get into church to see this . My kids father made his choice of not being around and as a parent I went back to my childhood and raised my kids as my parents raised me with love and God in their Hearts . I have 3 boys and 2 girls They have all turned out great thanks to God and my family helping me . God would never leave you like your father did . you need to get in church and hear his word to see what I mean .

Answer #13

God loves you - He sent Hin Son, Jesus Christ (a gift, see John 3 : 16) to die on a cross for you that through Salvation you can have a home in Heaven - like all of us, your Father has free-will - God doesn’t interfere with the choices we make - those choices have consequences, good or bad…you’re in my thoughts and prayers.

Answer #14

I’m sorry you never got to know your father. I have heard some rumors about god…apparently god is forgiving, loving and just, so I wouldn’t worry about god not liking you! Wishing you the best! Peace :)

Answer #15

The Christian God sounds utterly terrifying.

Answer #16

okay first of all it doesnt matter to god what your father did to you god will always love you and always has. You should not compare god to your dad

Answer #17

my dad left me, but my heavenly father never has. when im upset about my dad, God IS there. I have faith he’ll never leave me. and he wont leave you either.

Answer #18

Know thet God is nowhere! And what a question is this? I dont believe in god,because it exists

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