My boyfiend told me he loves me and wants to have sex

Just recently my boyfriend told me he loves me and wants to have sex with me which I am all for. We aer only 14 but we have been dating since we were 12 and always wanted to get married . But he told me he wanted me to masterbate in front of him before we have sex. Why would he ask me that? Should I do it ?

Answer #1

you cant catorgorize all boys and men like that, and hun, only do it if you are stone cold sure yu want to. but that sentance doesnt sound like he cherishes you, and completely is unselflessly in love, but L-egs O-pen V-ery E-asy love if your even a bit uneasy with the idea, dont, if you do then you’ll regret it

Answer #2

if you want to do it its up to you but what the people before me are saying isnt always true. I am a 14 year old boy and I absolutely love my girlfriend with all my heart its not puppy love

Answer #3

don’t do it. boys are incapable of love at 14. no offence, but he is probably just saying he loves you because he knows thats what you want to hear. boys tend to mistake their raging hormones for love. I also agree with what ciara17 said.

Answer #4

my best advice to you is not to do it ok honey. at 14 a boy doesnt really love you . its called puppy love. you will have a man that will love you to death but not this one at that age . plus why did he use I love you in the same convo as I wanna have sex with you. He probably just wants to experience it with you. Dont do it because I dont want you to regret it and cry. thats the worse thing.just tell him you think we should wait a little and see how he reacts.

Answer #5

to get him turned on that’s why and its up to you if you wanna do it

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