my bestfriend.

well I found out I’m very sick and could have leukimia, but I’m not 100% sure yet, still the doctor’s saying I’m really sick but ain’t sure what I got. but how can I let my bestfriend know what I’m going through. I want her to know, but I just can’t tell her. can anybody tell me how to tell her this?

Answer #1

Hunny you need to sit her down and tell her…listen im going through a really though faze right now and i need your help and support and just tell her everything…things are easier to get through when you have someone that understands you and someone that will always be there for you through thick and thin and hopfully this is that kind of friend

Answer #2

thank a lot for you advie trully. i think i will after i go doctors on friday. but thank you so much for this advice. i think she does have a right to know.

Answer #3

you can just tell her that you are sick then when you are sure what you have then ykou can tell her what you are going through.

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