What is the procedure for an abortion?

My bestfriend is pregnant and she has only just found out, she is 11 weeks pregnant. She doesnt want to keep her little one as she has just made a big break in her Dancing and doesnt feel it’s the right time. I know shes not too late for an abortion, but what is the procedure of an Abortion? I dont really know because I kept my son..Help please!?? =]

Answer #1

tell her to put it up for adoption and let kind, responsible people have a chance at raising a kid. WHY DO ALL THE STOOPID KIDS GET PREGNANT when 30 year old couples are heartbroken after finding out they cant make a baby.

Answer #2

Um, when I was pregnant my aunt tried convincing me to do abortion and so she looked up a bunch of things about it. I eventually lost my baby while playing softball at 6 weeks. :(

One of my friend’s had an abortion and they told her that they were going to numb everything so she wouldn’t feel it. Well, she said they were messing around down there in her area and then they stuck the tube there and she could feel everything. She cramped, got dizzy and felt like she was going to get sick. She couldn’t even eat. They gave her 2 pills, 400 miligram each and some pain relieving medicine and a heat pack. Once she had to change back in her pants she said, she started bleeding something fierce. She said it was the worse thing she could of ever done.

Answer #3

wow, don’t some people live perfect lives!

unfortuently, the process is pretty much they suck it out. there is serious debate of if the baby can feel it or not.

regardless, and I have to point out I am completely on the fence, I don’t think anyone can judge someone for what they have to do.

putting the baby up for adoption sounds all well and good in theory, but the reality I think is far worse, imagine if the baby you adopted out got abused? I think I’d rather have an abortion than put a through that.

your friend is being quite responsible (no one knows what circumstance baby was concieved in, my first pregnancy happened when I was on the pill!).

as you know having a baby isn’t really easy, and is full of problems. without a great supportive nertwork it’s hard, very hard! and if her career takes off now, then that’s great, but she has to be able to support the baby (feel like I’m saying how to suck eggs!)

it’s really her choice, an abortion is something that is hard to do for anyone, and the ‘potential mum’ is carrying enough guilt around with her without comments like the ones on here.

adoption, well babybump, can you imagine handing your baby over? I couldn’t mine.. let alone the fact that one day it will tuern up on your doorstep, and if it’s misreble, it tends to blame the adoptive mother…

then there’s the keeping it. babies, as you know, need financial and emotional support mainly, can she provide it?

what do you think babybump, your a young muma and you know her best,. I personally think (after being a single mum and a married mum) that parenting with support is the most important thing, but having a baby wil delay her plans, let alone if she’ll be able to go back and get that oppertunity again. but wanting this job can’t be her only reason, if something goes wrong or it all falls through she may regret the abortion.

but some people have one and are fine the next day, some people have complications, it just depends… tell her good luck from me, and decide what she thinks will be best in the long run..

Answer #4

all the ‘’stoopid’’ kids nashlyk that get pregnant ..well im one of them and dont regret a thing! grow up theres alresady kids up for adoption

Answer #5

Maybe you should try consulting a doctor and asking him who you can ask about that. Uhm, internet is not going to be your guide on that one.

Answer #6

I really dislike abortion and one of the place that you can really find out a lot more stuff about it is on youtube.com but I can tell you that some of the pic are really sad :(

Answer #7

no, amblessed, but if she had the child and was struggling and ended up depressed and the child unhappy, you would judge her for that too. can’t really win can she??

Answer #8

Melissain46176…your sick in tha head =| How can you even talk about a baby like that =| Uv got issues!. She did use protection but the condom split not that its anything to do with you how she got into this situation =S I asked about abortions.. not what you think of my friend thanks!

Answer #9

They murder a baby they smash in its head! and suck it out! Its not the babys fault the mom did not have safe sex! If she didnt want it she should have kept her legs closed!

Answer #10

babybump, sweetie first I applaud you for trying to do the best for your baby, now to answer the question on abortion, We feel abortion is a matter of individual choice, it is not murder. No entity will enter into the womb of a mother who is planning to abort it,A soul usually enters the fetus just prior to birth. Abortion is simply removing the growing tissue, it in no way impacts on any soul. The entity wanting to incarnate will simply wait until next time. This was one of my questions on my exam in Sylvia Brownes class.Love & Blessings to you and baby, Summerrainn~

Answer #11

Thanks sooitca, I would never be able to hand my son over it would tear my heart away. The dancing isnt the only reason she doesnt want this child, she has no job so she would not be able to support the child and the father isnt exactly going to stand by her so she thinks that is best all round if she didnt have a child right now and leaves it till she is ready emotionally and financially and can make sure the child has a safe and memorable childhood. Thanks I’ll tell her =]

Answer #12

welll..personally I am against abortion. I think it’s murder. you go to the clinic and they put you under and anthestetic and basically..”suck the baby out” thats the harsh way of putting it but its true. and afterward they prescribe you medician for pain cause you will have mild cramps for up to a week after the abortion. my sister got one and I was upset at her but hey, it was her choice. if I were her I would put it up for adoption. and give the baby a better life. I know she “has made a big break in dancing” but you have to take the responsibility that you didn’t use protection and that your having sex. you always have to be prepared for getting pregnant and always be prepared to prevent it.

Answer #13

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