Would you move to a different state where you had no family nor friends?

Would you move to a new state where you knew NO ONE? I live in Michigan and I want to move to California. I feel depressed with living in Michigan. I am not happy here, winter will be coming soon and the winter weather makes me depressed. I am just tired of where I live. I am very shy and trying to come out of my shell so I don’t know if moving to a new state where I don’t know anyone would be good for me. What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Answer #1

If you have the money and if you feel that it would be good for you- yes! It may be scary at first, but it might be just what you need. To get out of your shell. You might surprise yourself! Plus, there are still good people out there who would help you if necessary.

Answer #2

Moving somewhere where you know no one is tough, but doable. You will have to have a plan though. Where are you going to stay? Do you have a firm job offer? (Calif. is not cheap.) How are you going to get there? Will you have a car? And why do you think moving there would improve your depression? If you are just tired of your home town would just moving to the next city be sufficient to help your mood? Maybe a university town with more young people. Maybe even take some classes to not only improve your chances for a better job, but also to meet people and socialize. In fact, it sounds just a bit like socializing more would do as much good as moving out of state. Join groups or clubs. If you are religious, you can see if there are young adult groups at your choice of church. If not religious, there are atheist and huminist groups in every state. (If you are in between try Unitarian Congregations.) Volunteering would also get you with groups of people. (I typed in “volunteer opportunities in Michigan” and got 6.9 million hits in Google.) It might also help you find a job if you need one. In short, I wouldn’t just move to somewhere without a job, a friend, a school, or a supportive relative waiting for me. Take care, and Good Luck!! p.s. I spent two winters in Michigan, so I know how brutal winters can be if one isn’t into some winter out doors activity.

Answer #3

I wouldn’t move to California without a place to stay or no job or even money for a plane ticket to get there. I definitely wouldn’t move someplace without making sure I was stable first.

Answer #4

I’m glad to hear that. I apologize if it seemed as if I was patronizing, but I know VERY little about you (or most others here) so my advice tends to be long winded. I wish you the very best with whatever you decide. Good Luck!!

Answer #5

I’m glad to hear that. I apologize if it seemed as if I was patronizing, but I know VERY little about you (or most others here) so my advice tends to be long winded. I wish you the very best with whatever you decide. Good Luck!!

Answer #6


Answer #7

im superrr shyyyy probably the shyest person ever haha but i wanna move sooooo bad… ha i think thatd be cool to move to a new state its a fresh start so dont be scared to you know n it gets cold here to ha like every other state but cali gets pretty hot to its superrrr hot here right now

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