When can a Minor move out in Georgia?

I am 15, as is my boyfriend. I live with my mom, and he lives with his step mom and father. His parents don’t really like my mother nor I. My mom and I have 3 extra rooms in our house, and is willing to let my boyfriend live with us. We live in North Carolina and he live in Georgia, but we live about 5 minutes apart. His parents treat him like a dog. They make him work non stop. they make him earn money to support the family, along with his step-brother and full sister (both who are older than him, and work). The wont pay for any of his clothes, or anything like that. they refuse to. Over christmas mom and I bought him a phone(service included), a laptop, and an ipod. His parents made him give the phone back, the laptop to his brother and the ipod he got to keep.

What is the legal age for him to move into our house without parental consent? And with parental consent?

(Please dont post your opinions on how old we are. it isn’t like we are sleeping in the same bedroom etc. thanks.)


Answer #1

I think it’s 18. They have control.

You mite b able to go to court.

Answer #2

Um, I believe they can decide to make him stay with them until he turns 18.

Answer #3

Thats HORRIBLe!!! But your parents choose. :( I feel bad for him!! :( :( :(

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