How do you feel about mothers working as exotic dancers/strippers?

The stip club I used to work in had a lot of mothers that were strippers. I had my mixed emotions about this, and I was just wondering what other’s thought about it.

How do you feel about mothers working as exotic dancers/strippers? When the child is old enough, do you think the mother should be completely honest about her occupation to him/her? Do you think that it’s okay while the child is younger, but the mother should quit before the child realizes what she does?

Answer #1

I think all parents should strive to be a positive role model in their children’s lives - if you’re doing something that causes them embarassment, that shouldn’t be ignored and the children should be the priority - most every child’s desire is to make their parent/s proud, should be the other direction also - the child has no choice, the parent does and children learn what they live.

Answer #2

I think being around for your child and being a good provider is more important than avoiding embarassing your child… dancing probably earns more money than being a waitress or whatever, which probably gives her more time with her kid and a decent place to live, food, clothes etc… if she wants to do it, I dont see the problem with it

Answer #3

When the child is too young to understand I don’t see anything wrong with it but as the child gets older I think the mother should probably look for a different job. I’ve also heard of some exotic dancers taking their kids to work with them and I think that’s totally uncalled for. A child should never be in a strip club.

Answer #4

I agree with what everyone else is saying here about it being up to the mother…but a mother’s first priority is her children and a mother should try to make her child’s life easier. As ally_xo said if the child’s friend asks what does your mother do he/she will probably be embarrassed to tell his/her friend. I think that before a mother decides to keep stripping she needs to think about her kids and decide what is best for them.

Answer #5

I don’t see anything wrong with that. I’d recommend being honest about it.

Answer #6

^^^yea it pays well though

Answer #7

Good question with no right answers. Money is good, hard to want to walk away from that. If you can keep your head straight and do the job and not get wraped up in all the other B.S that comes along with this field. I think it is O.k, If you are a strong women and know what you are doing is not a bad thing and you are Ok with people judging you and it does not hurt your child then go for it. And yes I think you should be completely honest with your child. Other children could out right tell your child that his/her Mommy is a slt, whre, ect ect. based on what their parents said in their presences. A lot of people think their body should not be used in that manner, so be judged by other people weither in the right or wrong, it is going to happen.

I would not recommed it because I think to jump over all the obsicles to be in this profession would be like beating a dead horse.

Answer #8

I think is not something alright to be a Mother that works as a exotic dancer. First As a Mother, Mother should be a role model as Amblessed said, and that isn’t a good one. If money is the necesity it can go looking for other jobs or Government aids. But when the child realized what his Mom do : working for a strip club…that can be an ebarrasment and a shock..when he or she grows up and or The Mother had left the strip club as a can’t tell nothing to her/him if it follows later the Mothers footsteps to work in strip clubs. And remember: “Mother is the name of an angel that God sent to care for us when children”

A Mother should know how to behave and have selfrespect and to respect his child that is a gift from heaven. Motherhood is something that when I see Women that are Mothers , as something have the gift of give life.

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