Monster Massive

Im going to be minnie mouse, I don’t know what to wear though. Im thinking of getting red spankies but I don’t know what to do for the shirt. Help.

Answer #1

Yes it’s a rave ‘dontworryok’

& seriously ‘adry’ it’s going to be so much fun :) You should also go to together as one!

Answer #2

No I don’t live in New York, I just didn’t edit my settings!

& I don’t know if I wanna wear a sports bra, I want to loose weight before I go haha. Are you going?!

Answer #3

theen wear s0methng you thnk ull be c0nfertable in. && yeaah I thnk ima g00 its my first time g0in th000.. I heard its fuun

Answer #4

Is that a rave??

Answer #5

u live in new y0rk? && your g0ingg??

Answer #6

you sh0uld trie like a white 0r black sp0rt bra.. idntkn0e && im g0in t00 but its my first timee. s0 idntkn0e h0w it iss theree!

any advicee?

Answer #7

im going to MONSTER!!

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