Massive spot on my chin way of getting rid quick?

Okya so im a singer I have a really big gig coming up on saturday this saturday. But I have a massive spot on my chin it covers up with make up and stuff but people will be asking for pictures with me and stuff and will see it. Any way of getting rid quick?

Answer #1

firstly lke but a bit of cold water on it you can put tooth paste on it tonight it goes kind of crusty but reduces swelling really well use a scrub or cleansing thing on your face and make sure it doesnt spread try not to touch it all as it causes redness and swelling buy some witch hazel or tea tree spot treatement as that works really well! AND if it does have a head on it I WOULD advice squeezing it but then make sure you clean it STRAIGHT afterwards with TCP and that all the stuff it out lol!! skank but it works. I have loads of sisters and thats what we do

Answer #2

ah…well then here’s a idea…

if its a white head (aka..pus filled) pop it with a sewing needle that’s been cleaned with peroxide…I mean uber sterilized. if you pop it with your fingers you might bruise the skin…

after its been popped then dab peroxide on it then wash it with a deep cleaning solution…try Garnier or Clean and Clean. Then get a “spot cleaner” like something from Clean and Clear. put a bit of it on the spot with a bandaid covering it at night and then in the morning repeat the process…

Answer #3

I use mouth wash and these things you put on your finger and scrub your teeth with haha

Answer #4

by the way im allergic to toothpaste. so I can’t use that.

Answer #5

lol ok scrap that bit. what do you do when you brush your teeth?

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