
Should I make noises when my boyfriend fingers me? or should I just let him go? or does the moaning/screaming just come when I’m ready? and what should I do to HIM as hes fingering me?

please help

-♥ Abbie

Answer #1

grab hes co** while he fingers you…and yes moan…

Answer #2

me answering again haha, I really can only suggest you just reassure him that it fine and hopefully given time he wont be as worried about you seeing, just give it time. well have you had sex with your boyrfriend or just been fingered? because I think you might orgasm different then, not sure though =/ But, for me all my leg muscles kinda tighten then it like a really huge release, kinda like an explusion, only way I can describe it really, sorry if that doesnt help, youll get all hot and flusstery as well, thhough I read somewhere if he hit you G-stop it should feel like a pee-ing sensation. and maybe you just feel a little insecure about your body? does he compliment your figure, my boyfriend id always complimenting my breasts and I love it. Or maybe you just alittle self-concious about him taking your top off, next time take it off yourself so you feel more confident about it and in control, also you boyfriend will probably find the sonfidence really sexy. again hope this helps you :)

Answer #3

Thanks, but I have another quick question.. if you can help me.. would you know why my boyfriend may be afraid/embarrassed to cum in front of me? :o

Answer #4

uh guys dont like moaning if your doin a fake one but yeah its kinda hott… and the best thing to do while hes fingerin is to rub on his cack with your hand..

uhh and he may be embarrased to cum either because you may think its gross and it gets everywhere;; it releases estrogen wich makes him not have any sex drive for the rest of the night and may seem tired;; or he might think he doesnt cum as much as a porn star does so he may feel embarrased… but tell him its okay

Answer #5

well, it should just come naturally (dont be ashamed to moan/scream). I faked moaning the first time because it was a little sore and uncomfortable but once you get used to it, it feels really good. And to him, well, usually I just kiss him or he kisses me/my neck or I sometimes play with his hair (which they like btws. Though sometimes, I guide my boyfriend in the right direction if hes not doing it soo well, if you get me. Hope that helps

Answer #6

cant help you with one there, my boyfriend has only fingered and eat me out, and gets embarrassed taking his top off infront of me haha but emm, maybe you could just asure him its nothing to be afraid/embarrassed of. Or maybe he thinks you dont want to see him, so you could try just tell him you do, if that doesn’t sound too weird…like dirty talk and what not, could tell him then. Hope that helps aswell

Answer #7

hmm.. thanks.. I always tell him its ok.. but he usually insists on pushing my hand/head away when he feels hes about to.. and then kinda hides it and he told me that hes embarrassed b.c hes afraid of what I’d think?.. I don’t know.. I think its fine b.c I WANT him to do that.. and ANOTHER quick question.. what does/should an orgasm feel like?.. I mean ik I’ve had one before I’m just not too sure.. and why is it that I’m a little ‘shy’ when he takes me shirt off?

Answer #8

well if you moan it shows him you enjoy it. but dont fake it either… moaning actually makes it feel better.. ha ha goodluck!

Answer #9

haha thanks and I’ve had sex with him and oook.. I wasn’t sure what it felt like for other people hehe I was jw.. and I don’t know.. he doesn’t like complimenting any one.. like he says I’m sexy and stuff.. and he usually makes me orgasm just my rubbing/licking my clit.. and I don’t know.. it feels.. like.. idek how to explain it.. just good.. and like it tightens and relaxes like really fast and I don’t know hahaha.. and I usually move his hands over the bottom of my shirt b.c I want him to take it off.. and then he does and we usually just sit there and he rubs my back and like sucks/nibbles on my nipples.. haha.. sorry I’m getting carried away :X

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