what is meant by the following?

“acute polydrug intoxication due to combined effects of Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Diazepam/Nordiazepam and ethanol”

Answer #1

I think it means that those d r ug s, when combined, will intoxicate you.

Answer #2

Hello Aditya Poddar,

                             without attempting to worry you unnecessarily, I hope that statement or diagnosis does not relate to you or any one you know. I wish it did not relate to anybody to be honest. First thing to mention,is that I am not a medically trained person so I will just give you a rough idea of what seems to be happening here.
                        The Oxycodone is a strong painkiller that can give effects of drowsiness,nausea and or constipation.Oxymorphone is  an isopoid,that is a narcotic strong pain killer,designed for 24hr pain treatment,not to be taken with alcohol.Diazepam is for anxiety and treatment for alcohol withdrawal symptoms, plus it is addictive and should also not be associated with alcohol.I'm not sure about Nordiazepam and Ethanol is better known as Alcohol. 
                                    So it's a pretty strong mix of pain relievers and the ever present Alcohol. In layman's terms the short answer to your serious question is"Off Your Face".

If and I stress IF, you are acquainted in any way to whoever that statement was for.He,She or They, need some proper help and understanding.Like I say,I have no medical experience and I hope this is taken as well meant information for you and finally, I do hope,really hope that I have not caused you any upset.Sounds a bit feeble that last sentence but I felt it needed to be said to try and give you a bit of reassurance.

                                        All the best Aditya...
Answer #3

no its not related to me… it was the cause for the death of the REV…

Answer #4

Thank the Lord for that!!

Answer #5


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