Lusting for him...

The other night,I had the most weirdest experiences.My relationship with my boyfriend is going so good and its putting me into depression.I cried myself to sleep and then I woke up in the middle of the night,and started shivering like crazy even though I wasnt cold.I tossed and turned and then gave up and lay there staring at the pitch black ceiling.I decided to think about him and it put more anger in me.Then,I closed my eyes and pictured his face and then suddenly like a bursting feeling inside me,I wanted him more than ever.I felt so powerful and weak at the same time.I just wanted to kill him and then make out with him at the same time…I didnt know what happened…Liek some powerful force came over me,like and adrenaline rush but,more exciting…

Answer #1

I’ve had this strange feeling its the best feeling you can ever have, and you can only expirience it once. But not the killing thing thats just freaking weird.

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