If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be?

If you could have lunch with ANYONE in the world, who would you pick???

Answer #1

Ian Moss. and just out of curiousity, does it have to be lunch with or can it be lunch on? Cause I was thinking whipped cream on Ian Moss, yum!

Answer #2

The guy who invents the time machine so I can sweet talk him into making one for me, and then I can have lunch with heaps more people.

Answer #3

Noam Chomsky. Probably the greatest living intellectual. His work in Linguistics, Psychology, Politics, and Ethics are all groundbreaking.

Answer #4

Bill Gates. His influence in the PC industry, and general status as a visionary, would make me very interested in having lunch with him.

A friend of mine met him at a convention put on by Microsoft, but that was in a crowd. I think lunch with him would be far more interesting…especially if I could sell him on a few of my ideas.

Answer #5

My Grandfather

Answer #6

well that nice good man ,that never try to lie and he looks like u!!!

Answer #7

my partner, he’s a long distance lorry driver, goes away monday morning and sometimes i don’t see him again till friday night…miss him sooo much

Answer #8

you babe

Answer #9

my future husband

Answer #10

my Boyfriend / future husband


Answer #11

Tha man thats always on my mind

Answer #12

Dee Schnieder.

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