LovePoeem <3 Okay Maybe BreakUp llol

Im no longer the vase you where scared to break, The one you called babe all the time, The one that underappriciated you Im scared to tell you, that The only one I Cared about was you All the time, even when I said otherwise I want you to hold me one last time; Nothing bad will ever happen, when im with you . But youre gone and im getting the worst luck Bieng so far away from you makes me love you more, I now realize most fights where Me bien stubborn But now Its alittle too late, I was a vase, and I shattered .

Do you guys like it lol?

Answer #1

I LOVE this the ferst line really got me wanting to read more. it has to be my fav line… im nolonger the vase your scared to brake <3<3<3 love it lotz. keep up the great woork (:

Answer #2

I thnk its rele good I especially like diis line

“ I want you to hold me one last time; Nothing bad will ever happen, when im with you “

Answer #3


Answer #4

I love it!!!it soo works wit my love life!!

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