Is there a safe diet pill or drink?

I have high blood pressure and I need to lose weight my doctor says eat right I need help I like to eat and of course the wrong foods. diets dont wk I was looking for a safe diet pill or drink

Answer #1

listen well buying diet products actually maake everything worse. you should try and have breakfast lunch and dinner and not eat after 6 pm this was told to my uncle by a doc and I do it too and I lost some weight. the trick is to eat a good amount of food but remember to eat slow chew your food slow and if you have rice and beans and meat make shure the rice is the half the size of your palm and beans the size of your palm and meat you can eat a lilmore tha your palm this is really affective. REMEMBER AFTER 6 you SHOULDNT EAT ANYTHING IF you GET HUNGRY HAVE 2 BIG GLASESS OF WATER. remember stop eating fried foods bread, butter stuff, frozen foods, and dairy products and my fav no cookies.

Answer #2

If I were you, I’d try WeightWatchers. It seems to be the safest way and the easiest because they let you eat anything you like.

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