How long does it take to fully recover from a miscarriage?

I miscarried about a month and half ago. I was about 7-8 weeks along or maybe a little bit more when I lost it. I’ve lost the weight I gained and can eat things that I couldn’t while I was pregnant and stuff like that but my boobs are still bigger (no complaints there) and some of my clothes are still fitting tighter around my tummy…even though the small bump I was starting to form is gone along with the weight I put on. Curious as to if my muscles stretched already or something and if so, will the go back?

Answer #1

It depends on who you are and how you handle things. Its a horrible thing but after a while you may finally get over it.

Answer #2

For you body it generally takes about 2 months to fully recover. The small bump you say you have would be nothing more than bloating, as, at 8 weeks, the foetus is very small. Some women have emotional trauma to deal with, though, and that can last awhile longer.

Answer #3

We’ve dealt with it 10 years later.But you’ll never just get over IT !Take it day by day and never forget. Also smile for what could’ve been!

Answer #4

Yeah, mentally and emotionally, I’m starting to move on. It still kind of “haunts” me sometimes though.

Answer #5

It’s kind of peaceful knowing that he’s with his cousin and brother. That helps.

Answer #6

It really wasn’t a bump, but my stomach was slightly starting to expand. Oddly enough, my sister is expecting right now…she’s about 2-3 weeks behind where I would have been…she’s been showing a little already, but this her second kid too so. Thank you though. I was just wondering, since they say that there’s parts of you that never return to “normal” after pregnancy, I didn’t know if the same is so if the pregnancy doesn’t go to term. What is term by the way? 40 weeks?

Answer #7

You do eventually return to normal…I had 3 miscarriages myself. Full term is 37 to 41 weeks….you can safely deliver a baby anytime within those weeks.

Answer #8

Cool, maybe that’s why some clothes still fit not right. Hope my boobs stay bigger though. That’s the one awesome thing from all of this. Sorry to hear about yours. I can’t imagine that. hugs

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