Answer #1

according to 93% of the people on the planet, there is. It really depends on what religion you want to follow, but they all have an afterlife of some type.

Answer #2

Some people will tell you yes, others will tell you no. No one will know until they die though.

Answer #3

I think if there is or isn’t …we’re not meant to know because our being here in the now, is really the most important thing in what we do with that dash and is all that matters regardless of where it goes from there.

Answer #4

Believe Jesus Christ is your Lord & savior, get baptized, you’ll go to Heaven! Anything other will go to HELL, eternal damnation. Them 3 words should paint a picture of what that’s like. Message me back 4 further insights.

Answer #5

there is not only life after death, but eternal life so glorious that “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Answer #6

I believe we go nowhere except into the soil where we feed other organisms. In this way I guess we are mostly recyclable, lol.

Answer #7

My grandmother, who is still living, has talked to relatives of ours who have already died. In fact, they’ve appeared to her in our living room. Her father, when he was dying, was talking to people we couldn’t see in his hospital room, although he was identifying them by name. We couldn’t see them but it was obvious that they were there. A cousin of mine died and floated above her body watching while the doctors were trying to bring her back. She’s still alive to this day so my answer is “yes,” I sincerely believe that there is another life, a spiritual one, after we die.

Answer #8


Answer #9

=) hehehe

Answer #10

Only people soft in the head believe in afterlife/religion..

Answer #11

Definitely Yes.

Answer #12

yes there is …find out what islam says about it, it will bring tears to your eyes! one can say lets wait until we die, when you die….its too late!

Answer #13

If you believe that Jesus Christ lived, was crucified for the sins of all human-begins! Around 0-BC to 34AD!

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