Jesus Camp

I just watched the documentary called Jesus Camp. I found this movie to be a truly sick movie. They are robbing young children of their rights to discover things on their own. An adult could tell a kid that it is okay to drink chemicals and eat plastic, and they would eat and drink to their deaths. Does anyone else find this to be utterly disgusting?

Answer #1

“but is it not your schools that condemn the very mention of G-d?”

When schools are for one strict religious denomination, they can teach all the religion they want. Religious education has no place in public, multi denominational schools. Furthermore, as a person who trained as a teacher, there’s not a lot of teachers I would trust to teach religious studies in an unbiased manner.

How is it that we are teaching tollerance by not allowing our children to believe in G-d?

It’s not about us not allowing our children to believe in ‘God’, or any other religion for that matter. It’s about giving them enough information to make an informed decision. Growing up, I had plenty of religious friends who tried to scare me with threats of burning in hell, to make me believe in their ‘God’- as I understand children to be easily impressionable, that’s not the sort of thing I’d want to risk exposing my children to.

Answer #2

Religious education has no place in public**

Why not? Why cant I learnt about God in my school but I can sit through a whole semester of having to be taught the theory of Evolution? Which I am required to be taught in order to graduate…dont you think that is a little biased?

Answer #3

The bible says to be keepers of peace but why would a god who stood for that tell the lady who made the film that harry potter should be executed? she said that that is what they would have done in the old testament

Answer #4

amblessed. Does it? Because I have never read the bible

Answer #5

I’m a christian and that is just sick to even me! And no the bible does not say that if you believe in a different religion and then go back to Christ that you are a sinner because Jesus died on the cross so that our sins would be forgiven. It even say;s in the bible that because Jesus died we don’t have to be so kosher.

Answer #6

it is the beginning of the “brainwashing” get them while they are young and they will put up less resistance.

Answer #7

I do, it doesn’t let younge children make up their own minds. It feeds it to them that Jesus is the only way and if they think any other way then they are sinners.

Answer #8

Actually I have a great deal of respect for the women who wrote the Harry Potter books. Her books have turned so many kids into reading. To be honest I read sci fi too but I also read G-d’s word. After the rise of Yeshua there was the beginning of peace, all that needed to be accompished was accomplished. G-d never told her that because it is disengenous to his goal. Yeshua was not sent to condemn the world but to save the world. But as to the point of the post I understand that you are not religious but is it not your schools that condemn the very mention of G-d? How is it that we are teaching tollerance by not allowing our children to believe in G-d?

Answer #9

Hmmm…deathglam’s answer is exactly what the Bible says…Hmmm.

Answer #10

Too many people these days live in a fear of death. Too many people these days have even been taught to fear a death after death.

Answer #11

Only a very small population of kids are afraid to going to school for the liklyness they will be shot.

How was is much more friendlyer? Religion is the cause for most wars.

Answer #12

Why cant I learnt about God in my school but I can sit through a whole semester of having to be taught the theory of Evolution?

Because, unlike Religion, science is backed up by key evidence- the studies of people like Darwin and Mendel. However, should students want to learn about religion, the high schools I’ve been to have the option of a religious education class. As you get further in your schooling, generally, you’re allowed to customise your classes to fit into a future career path. By all means, have it as an option the students can choose when they are old enough to make that decision. Religious education and evolution are not even part of the curriculum until high school, and honestly, I don’t think I’d want either taught to my kids before then, because there is too much room for them to misinterpret them- wait until they’re old enought to actually understand it. It’s like getting an 8 year old to read Animal farm- while they might be able to read the words, they will have little comprehension of the deeper significance of the story.

Which I am required to be taught in order to graduate…dont you think that is a little biased?

I think it’s more important to graduate with knowledge rather than bedtime stores full of contradictions and false logistics, and apparently, so does the government. But if you’d rather opt for those stories, there’s plenty of Christian high schools out there, what’s stopping you from enrolling?

How is it that we are teaching tollerance by not allowing our children to believe in G-d?

To further that, tolerence is actually taught as part of the health curriculum, under the category of mental health. It’s taught under the subheading of ‘personal identity’. In my country, it’s a national requirement for it to be taught. It is also covered in the social studies category of ‘our community’. Religious education is at the discretion of private schools, while all schools have to teach the ‘personal identity’ and ‘our community’. You can teach tolerance without having to bring in religious education.

Answer #13

I was raised in a time, when God was honored, in school, and everywhere else. It amazes me to see the changes that have taken place in a very short time. The world was a much friendlier place back then, when shows like Father knows best, and Leave it to Beaver, and all the other family friendly shows were on, now, children are afraid to even go to school, for fear of being shot, and the tv shows are all about blood and guts, getting worse and worse every year. I so miss those years.

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