People to People student ambassador program?

Okay so I got this thing in the mail that said it was from the people to people student ambassor program and asking me to go to australia by myself and stay w/ a different family from there 4 20 days!! Is this real or just something 2 get you in2 one of those human trafficing things??? Heres what it says:

   Dear parents of ciara story:
                                             Ciara is invited 2 travel and study in australia in the summer of 2009. Join middle school students from the terre haute area who were eligible 4 people 2 people an educational exploration program founded by president dwight d. Eisenhower. All students must b annually invited, so we are pleased 2 offer ciara this 1-time-only opportunity 2 travel on a 2009 program.

Ciara can experience 20 days or rewarding activites and meet the people of australia. Your local delegation will represent the united states overseas, experience new cultures, and make lifelong friends. Ciara will gain advance as a young leader through special access and focused excursions and will gain:

  Confindence and leaderahip-   take on a ropes course or soar across a ravine during team building with experienced outdoor guides. Snorkel @ the amazing great barrier reef and learn 2 surf @ one of australias pristine beaches. 
   Cultural understanding-   play the didgeridoo or throw a boomerang as you enter the ancient world of australias aboriginals people. Learn whats so sports about cricket.
   Worlds awarness-   gain an insiders perspective or australias government during an offical breifing and hand-feed dolphins with marine biologists on a tropical island!
   Friends and memories-   stay w/ warm welcoming local family, cuddle a koala, and watch kangaroos, then bond with other delegates while cruising pearl harbour!!

So is a real or what?? Do you think I should go? I mean I have road on an airplane before but not 4 15 hours!!

Answer #1

Alone - in a country you’re not familiar with - people you don’t know - better be thoroughly investigated !

Answer #2

im going and its not a scam. you have to fundraise like hell its like 7000 dollars. any fundraising ideas?

Answer #3

Ok so I also got a letter and I cried like a big baby considering that it is great for college. Now, somebody said something about an interview. What kind of questions are they going to ask you? my interveiw is on the 20th of january for the Europe trip. I really need this and I know that I am not the best student but I write one hell of an opinion article. I want to be a journalist. I might one day want to write a book, but I dont have the funds to do anything heck, I am not even sure fundraising is going to help me. Any advise?

Answer #4

Oh, and I do have a website about my trip last summer. It is a freeweb website. Type freewebs .com/ p2p4life(delete the spaces).

Answer #5

Hey, I got the same letter too!

But my friend got one last year in ninth grade and she told me that at the information meeting, it was too expensive.

And I just searched for the cost and it’s $5200 PLUS $800 transportation.

Answer #6

Lol, its real dear (: I got one ofthose this year to go to japan. I heard the trip cost $5000. Ifyou want to look into it more just go to the student ambassador website and sign up for your local meeting. Thats what I am doing. This looks really good on your collage application and you get high school credit for it. My friend went last year and she loved it.

Answer #7

Well, first off if you can afford the trip. It is about $5,000-$7,000. I would not recommended because it is not a very trust worthy program, they only want your money

Answer #8

I got the SAME letter only for a different area and it’s a trip to a few countries in Europe. I’ve been doing some research since then and I’ve found out so far that whoever’s gone thought it was pretty nice trip but there’s also some bad things that happened such as two kids died on a trip [one from train jumping or something like that, the other from medical causes] and that letters are sent to just about ANYONE since they purchase lists of student names. I’m going to the meeting though still, just for the heck of it. I’ve read that these trips can cost around $5,000 though but that they promote fundraising and getting donations from companies and such. They also give out scholarships if you sign up for them and get chosen.

Once again though, this is just what I read. I guess the decision is up to you about what you should do.

Answer #9

I have the same thing but it sayz that I was invited 2 travel and study in ireland,wales,england,france,belgium,and the netherlands this summer and I don’t know if it will cost a lot but from what I read it does cost a lot and I don’t know what 2 do now that I have found out the cost of it my mom and dad will freak lol

Answer #10

I just got one today too!

It for Japan. Posts above say something about fundraising. That’s like earning money own your own right? People to People don’t give you fndraising opputunitites?

Answer #11

WHOA!! THATS A LITTLE 2 HIGH>>> But hey, nothing is free anymore!!

Answer #12

I’m going on that trip in about 2 weeks. I went through the whole program training and orentation learning meetings, so not a scam. it was pretty expensive, but worth it (I hope.) its safe, and if you ever get another letter, go for it.

Answer #13

I have done that before! I am not sure if this a legit one are not, but investigate it a little more… I hope you know this is NOT free!

Answer #14

Yup, it’s legit. It does cost money. I went on the same program in 7th grade (which was about…10 years ago now). So they are legitimate enough to still be taking kids on trips. It cost me a good couple of grand, so it will cost you money. It was a bunch of smart kids that went. With two elderly women who were in charge of us. I stayed with families in Ireland and Scotland, and it was an amazing experience. They cover airfare, food and boarding in the price. It is fairly expensive. But it was an amazing learning experience. I still have my People 2 People tshirt.

Answer #15

omg!! I got a letter EXACTLY like this one about 2 years ago for this program for austrailia !!! I wasnt really interested so I didnt do it but my parents called the people from it they have like some kind of meeting with the kids who were invited!! it said something about how only students with good grades got to be invited only with the recammendation of a teacher

but I think its pretty legit though so you should look into it

Answer #16

My guess it that it’s very clever marketing. They just havent told you yet how much it will cost…

Answer #17

I say do it.

Answer #18

dont go.

Answer #19

this isnt a rip off. imagine going with your family; -it would cost waaay more. -you would only get to stay in one part ot Australia. -you wouldnt get to do half the stuff because it would cost too much. -and the plane ride must not be cheap.

I did something like this when I went to Washington DC through world stride. at frist I thought it was a rip off but then I got there and it was fantastiiiccc!

P.S - I got one today. and I wanna go.

Answer #20

hey! me too! thats what…im findraising for! good luck if you go.

Answer #21

Kids, don’t you think that fundraising should be for a cause other than yourself? You are going to ask people for money so you can go on an expensive vacation? Do you know people (children included) are dying every day from a number of different causes? Cancer, diabetes, hunger, just to name a few. If you want to make an impression in this world and impress colleges for the future, I know they would like to hear how you raised $7K to feed a city of starving children in Africa, not how you spent it on a vacation. I know it is a young age to see the bigger picture, but just try, you will find the rewards of doing for others so much more satisfying than treating yourself to a vacation that is paid for with so called “fundraising” money.

Answer #22

Okay listen,

There are many ignorant people above me. A lot of them are saying its to much its a scam. Well its not a scam, and although it is extremely expensive there are ways you can pay for this and ways that will impress colleges and universities. First off this is not scam! If you got an invitation it means a teacher or a loved one nominated you. You don’t have to get good grades for this I am an A/B student. The way this works is you get nominated, you go to the meeting, then you are interviwed for 20 minuts and thats what will affect weather you go or not. You have to impress these people. Pound them in the face with great facts about you blow them away of their chairs. Show them that you are a leader that you can become a sucess in life.Show them you want to expore and larn new things with passion and purpose, show them your energized and alive, show them your free to be yourself, show them your magnificent in human form and that your perfection of life. Show them your greatful to be you. If I can do this so can you. I am not the best at school but I am intellegent and creative and I have good leadership skills and I can be who I want to be. I am greatful to be me.

Now that I have got you motivated. The payments are easy. Dont worry. what you do is get grants scholarships. You can do funrasing like I did or part of my money. Yuo can do sponsorships. MAny things that can pay it. Even if you are wealthy it is good yto do this because it shows leadership skills and greatfulness and you will feel proud in the end. Just remeber blow them away in the interview

Answer #23

It may not be a ‘scam’, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good idea, or a good value. The ‘not for profit’ is basically a front for the ‘for profit’ organization that organizes all the travel, and the supposed selectivity of the program is highly suspect. Now I’m an ardent capitalist myself, but I do find the premise a bit misleading.

I’ve been a foreign exchange student (twice, for two academic years), I’ve done a fair amount of international travel(both for fun and for volunteer work), and I am also familiar with overseas trips of similar duration (1 week to 2 months) that are organized for my kids’ school, our sister cities, and for my church. For the same costs (regardless of how you fund it), you can probably come up with a similar if not better package then the ones proposed by P2P, either organized through a travel agent, or arranged on your own. There are also plenty of other well known organizations (AFS, Rotary, etc.) that offer selective exchange programs, with home stays, for free, (or just the cost of a plane ticket and passport). And many local charities and churches provide overseas volunteer opportunities. These aren’t free either (if people are too poor to build their own schools or health clinics, then they clearly can’t pay for you to come build them), but a responsible charity will always be upfront with the costs. If you are really ambitious, you might want to consider being an au pair overseas. The pay is pretty mediocre, but it’s a great way to meet people!

Lastly, and I hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but I’m also a volunteer admissions officer at my alma mater and this really would not come off as that impressive on an application. If you really want to distinguish yourself, plan and organize something similar on your own, or do something with a much heavier focus on volunteer work. Digging latrines in the jungle for two weeks while sleeping on a straw mat reads much better than two weeks of site seeing and snorkeling.

Answer #24

Okay listen,

There are many ignorant people above me. A lot of them are saying its to much its a scam. Well its not a scam, and although it is extremely expensive there are ways you can pay for this and ways that will impress colleges and universities. First off this is not scam! If you got an invitation it means a teacher or a loved one nominated you. You don’t have to get good grades for this I am an A/B student. The way this works is you get nominated, you go to the meeting, then you are interviwed for 20 minuts and thats what will affect weather you go or not. You have to impress these people. Pound them in the face with great facts about you blow them away of their chairs. Show them that you are a leader that you can become a sucess in life.Show them you want to expore and larn new things with passion and purpose, show them your energized and alive, show them your free to be yourself, show them your magnificent in human form and that your perfection of life. Show them your greatful to be you. If I can do this so can you. I am not the best at school but I am intellegent and creative and I have good leadership skills and I can be who I want to be. I am greatful to be me.

Now that I have got you motivated. The payments are easy. Dont worry. what you do is get grants scholarships. You can do funrasing like I did or part of my money. Yuo can do sponsorships. MAny things that can pay it. Even if you are wealthy it is good yto do this because it shows leadership skills and greatfulness and you will feel proud in the end. Just remeber blow them away in the interview

Answer #25

I went last year with People to People for 19 days to England and France. You don’t stay with a family for 20 days, homestays are about 3 days. You travel with 40 or less people in your area, for every 10 students there is one leader. The trips are amazing. I am going in 2009 to Australia for 20 days doing a 5 day extension. It isn’t free, it cost around 6,000 some trips cost around 5,000. You have to keep in mind it is expensive. But trust me, it is all worth it in the end. I would go on my trip again in a heart beat. Go to your info meeting. There is a reason why you aren’t told the price in the letter, they don’t want people to turn away without seeing what the program is about and that you can FUNDRAISE the money, I know many people who funded the who trip. One parent had 2 kids who went many years, 13 trips in total and each of them raised all the money themselves. I raised about half of mine. Hotels, food, museums, airfare, and so much more is included. People to people offers more than the average trip. I got to stay over night at Warwick Castle for 1 night. No one has stayed overnight except for people to people since people actually lived at the castle. I have made friends that lasted me a life time. Australian Adventure is one of the cheaper Aussie trips. Compared to Australia and New Zealand which is 7,000, Australia for 20 days cost a lot less. The leaders are very cool(mind were totally AWESOME). A great website to go on is the student ambassador alumni website. New ambassadors are welcome, we give great advice to student ambassadors looking to travel in 2009, it was a great help for my first trip in 2008. Go to the student ambassador offical website and click on community. My account on there is Browneyedgirl1c4, feel free to ask me any questions on there, or if you have any other questions, just ask. I will try to answer them to the best of my ability.

PS: homestays are awesome! Mine was 3 days in England, I loved it!!!

Answer #26


People To People is very legit. I have friends that are going and have gone. I was going to go last year, but could not come up with the money. I am going this next summer though.

Go to the website, talk to your school guidance counselor.

And as for fundraising ideas…

  1. Sell Partylite candles.
  2. Friendly’s restaurants do fundraisers.
Answer #27

Dont go. GOOGLE p2p scams and OMG some kid DIED!!! IT IS A SCAM!

Answer #28

Yea I do believe there is extra from passports and all that junk =]

Answer #29

I got a letter to I am going to try to go next summer on a european discovery any ideas on how to raise money

Answer #30

hey they sendd m that letter…but why???I dont even have good grades…how much does it cost 2 go?

Answer #31

I dont think its fake because I got one 2 and the website seems nice enough and I heard really good reviews and that the only thing was that it was expensive ($4,ooo-$1o,ooo)

Answer #32

It is an expensive travel service for minors. Most people get “nominated” when they open a checking account. No one who has the money gets turned down. People who have gone generally like it, but scholarships are rare so you are on your own for the money. Fundraising is another name for working for it - or you can ask people you know for donations, but this is pretty lame. Look into it for your own benefit. It could be a good experience but it will cost you.

Answer #33

OMG I’ve got the samme paper. mine say s teh smae thing like veiew syndney from the haror bridge and ect. I don’t know I mean onthe side it has like a bunch of presidents names so its got to be good right>? I was just looking it up right now cause I wanted to see if you had to pay for it but I think its free so I might go.

Answer #34

this is not a scam and it is a really good opportunity if you get it, I have gotten the offer twice but I’ve never gone because it is somewhat expensive, I think it’s like $6000 or something like that, if I would have that money I would have probably gone

Answer #35

I got this letter this summer after coming home from a trip to London (totally unrelated to People to People), but I feel like I was nominated through the group that took me to London, EF Tours, or maybe P2P asks for their list figuring that these are people interested in other places and can afford it (their possible thoughts). The letter I have is for the 6 country trip: Ireland, England, Wales, Belgium, Netherlands, & France. I have reserved a spot at the meeting coming up this month for me. I am aware of the cost and the fact that it scares the crap out of me haha. I think this is something people should try to do and not let price stand in the way. People are willing to pay thousands for college and drop out aren’t they? The best things aren’t free…they require effort. I am currently a junior in high school and will hopefully have the chance to join this amazing program. If you want it and you feel like you have one shot, don’t back down. If a student was number one in their class but couldn’t afford college, would they just not go? Uh, no…they would give anything to go. Because some things are worth more in experience than in price. And that’s all I have to say (: Good luck everyone else. Don’t be so skeptical of opportunities.

Answer #36

Lol, its real dear (: I got one ofthose this year to go to japan. I heard the trip cost $5000. Ifyou want to look into it more just go to the student ambassador website and sign up for your local meeting. Thats what I am doing. This looks really good on your collage application and you get high school credit for it. My friend went last year and she loved it.

Answer #37

It’s not a scam. It is a great investment. I traveled with them 4 times all over the world. It seems pricey at first, but then you realize that it covers everything. Hotels, transfers, flights, food, entrances, tour guides, and as an ambassador you get to meet special government officials and see things that normal tourists wouldn’t get to normally see. Sometimes you do feel like you are being herded like cattle though, but if you are young and want to travel and make new friends it’s great. Plus, I fundraised to help with the cost.

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