Is anyone going... People to People :)

Is anyone going on that People to People trip this summer to Itlay,France, and Greece? I AM! :)

Answer #1

LUCKY! My friend went on one of those People to People things a few years ago. I was invited to an Australian one, but didn’t go. I want to go to France so bad, thats where I plan on moving after college in Switzerland! I’m insanely jealous! Have Fun!!!

Answer #2

I just looked at their website. People to People is currently advertising a trip to Mexico for 9 days - the cost $1500 which does not include a couple of things including the airfare from where you are to Mexico, which could be a chunk of money.

It also doesn’t talk about where you will be staying, eating or how you will get around. All those may have to be paid for you as well.

It kinda looks like a travel agency that provides “continuing education credits”

I’d look into it and get the questions above answered.
It is not an exchange student program as I first thought.

Answer #3

WEll YEs I Am I Think Its going to BE Super fun!! :))

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