Is there any way to make suggestions for this site?

Just wondering if there was somewhere to leave suggestions to improve the site. Most of the time when I ask a question I get useless advice or answers from someone who doesnt know what there talking about , is that the point of this site? I enjoy getting on here when Im bored and I appreciate the advice I do get but come on, you shouldnt answer if you have no idea what your talking about, lol. I see a lot of teenagers get on here with some real problems and come here for advice, isnt that unhealthy? They need professional advice!

Answer #1

Oh no, no apologies needed :)

You can funmail Thedude at anytime, any suggestions for improvement is welcomed! We want to make the site something that people enjoy, and make it the best it can be! (Kind of sounds like an Army commercial lol).

Answer #2

Yes, thedude is constantly asking for suggestions.

I don’t know how your question relates to anything the site can improve. If you are getting advice you don’t like, there’s not much we can do to prevent people from speaking their minds…

Answer #3

About the useless advice…theres nothing ‘thedude’ or anyone can really do about that. People just say what they want I guess, theres not much to prevent that unless they are saying something rude. That aside though, a lot of good advice is given also, so we try and look on that side more. And yeah there are a lot of unhealthy teenager questions, if their questions are about like self-harm, harming others, etc. we do delete them. Your right, they do need professional advice. Unfortunately though a lot of them are too shy to go and talk to someone. Somedays I feel a bit down knowing that theres some problems I cant fix, then again I’m sure we all feel that way sometimes.

Answer #4

Well I was kinda just asking how to make suggestions and just commented on the site, Sorry!

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