Is my Mom a hoe?

is my mom a ho because she has sex with her friends and one guy comes over sometimes just to have sex .or is it ok. PLEZ HELP

Answer #1

How do you know she has sex with friends? I believe mother’s should date men outside the home if the man has been with her for over a year then introduce him to the kid(s) if it’s serious. Parents are not perfect but should not bring different companions in and out constantly.

Did you try talking to your mom sounds like it’s something that is bothering you. If you feel comfortable just tell her you’d like to talk and honestly speak your mind in a respectful manner. Love her she’s your mother but at the same time share your thoughts on everything.

Try jotting down first what you want to discuss so that you get a chance to say what you feel and not leave anything out. If you cannot be open in discussing anything with her than how about one of her siblings?

Family is important and morals are too. Embrace her and tell her she is beautiful and you love her. You only get one in this life. Peace and blessings!

Answer #2

“Ho” is a not-so-nice slang word for someone who sleeps around often with several different partners. Although your mother may not be making good choices and setting bad examples for you, you still should not call her that name. As some have said, sleeping around is a cry for help, a symptom for low self-esteem, usually symptomatic of a more serious underlying issue. Not being an expert or a trained professional on the field of psychology, I cannot disagree with the statements Sue has given. However, there are some single, confident woman who make a conscious choice to not be in a committed relationship and want to have several “friends”. They want to always be in control of their personal life. These woman are very smart and protect themselves from STD’s pregnancy, dangerous situations, etc. These women also, if they are mothers of teenagers and/or grown children, do not parade their choices around in front of their children. That is part of being responsible for their decisions. Seeing as how your mother’s behaviors are something you are aware of would suggest that the others’ advice is correct. She is mixed up in her thinking which could be caused from depression or other things. Talk to her. Let her know you are concerned for her safety. Bring it to her attention that she is not making good choices. I am sure she loves you and does not realize how her behavior is affecting you. When people are depressed, they don’t realize how they are hurting the people around them. Be cautious when you talk to her; she isn’t intentionally trying to hurt you. I hope she can realize what a caring daughter she has raised so far.

Answer #3

Slut is another very derogatory word and no one should call anyone’s mother that. That was incredibly rude. dec94 is trying to make a great point. And I agree that your mother should not be doing these things.

You are a good daughter and you need her to be a good mother. By showing her respect, you can ask the same from her.

Answer #4

Everyone has parents that dissapoint them in some way. Part of growing up is accepting that your parents make plenty of mistakes. They usually only have a couple of decades on their children and its not like thats enough time to make a huge difference in maturity. Now if people had kids at 70 you might expect a little more wisdom.

Answer #5

How come when a woman sleeps around she’s a ho, and when a man sleeps around he’s a stud. Relationships are tough maybe mommy just wants to have fun with no strings attached. My advice is tell mama its great that men find her attrative but she needs to have a little more respect for herself and tell her men need to work more, For example her man beetches need to take away for the weekend (no booty calls in the house). She would have alot more fun if she played a little more hard to get ..anticipation is a really big turn on. If she plays hard to get she land a higher quality man. Oh tell your mom I’ll be over about 11:00 on wednesday for (just kidding)

Answer #6

Dear 1sexymama, No, it is not okay. Your mother may be suffering from depression and low self esteem. She should seek out counselling and a doctor. This type of behavour is a symptom of something else. Go to your local clinic and get some information. You could leave the pamphlets on the table or in her room. Maybe isn’t seeing this a bad behavours and needs to be informed it is. Sue…good luck

Answer #7

its not ok and ! your mom is failing to realize she setting a bad example for you and others in your family she may be thinking of her needs unfortunaltly you cant control what your mom does, but you can have a talk with her and let her know how you feel . just know that nobody is perfect and we all make mastake just try not to make the same one good luck

Answer #8

Nah, just horney

Answer #9

She needs to see a therapist ASAP. Something is really wrong here. In slang terms I’d say yes, she is.

Answer #10

Absolutely she is! Usually sleeping around is a cry out for help at times.

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