Is he still in love with me?

We have been best friends since we were 10 years old. He has always had this big crush on me I would always tell him we are just friends. At the age of 19,(me),21,(him) we finally get together and then married. It has been 2 years and now he acts as if he doesnt want to touch me. When we are out together he talks as if he wants me but when when we are at home his friends and motorcycle is more inportant and to tired for me. Hes only 23 and says is sex drive is not what it used to be. On our anivercery I wore a sex outfit he looked at me once and continued watching t.v We have had many fights because we only have sex 2 times a week that totals 15 to 20 mins all together in a week. I feel like he would rather watch his porn then have me. He tells me he doesnt even watch it anymore but I usually find them hidden every once in a wail. Does he still want me in that way anymore? what should I do to fix it I have tried everything.

Answer #1

Hi there. It seems your husband is having a problem that appears to be mostly psychological. You can try to talk to him and explain to him like you did here about how you feel. I understand that you probably don’t feel too good or wanted, and unless both of you can talk and come to a solution (and a cause), then there’s not too much that can be done. If you have tried to talk to him and it causes arguments, then you can try and write him a letter and give it to him. Spoken words are powerful, and written can also be as powerful. Often a person will read, listen and try to understand better from small letters/notes. The fact that he watched T.V and ignored you after one look sounds quite bad. Outside you say he acts like he wants you, but back home he doesn’t? Maybe try new things. If you are gentle when you’re with him sexually, you could try the opposite and see what happens. For example, jump on him and rip his shirt off, and basically almost rape him. See if he gets anything from that, and if you are usually like that, try being gentle instead. Try new things, and see how his sex drive changes (if at all). If no go on any of this advice, please go speak to a sex therapist about him, and TRY your hardest to convince him to go with you. Good luck with everything!

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