Girlfriend still loves me, but she can't get horny.

First off, let me lay down some facts.

  • When I say horny, I mean the hormonal concoction that makes you feel like having sex
  • My girlfriend is religious, so we’ve agreed on no sex until marriage. I’m cool with it though since sex has basically screwed things up for me before
  • When I say she can’t get horny, I mean like.. making out, dry sex, fingering, nothing works.
  • She still loves me, and says the still want me.

Basically we still love each other, she’s actually scared of losing me since she’s afraid I might lose interest since she can’t get horny. While I’m afraid she’s lost interest. She says this isn’t the case. She still finds me very sexually appealing, etc. That’s not the problem. She just simply can’t feel horny at the moment. It’s frustrating me as a guy, though I’m trying to play it down so she doesn’t feel too guilty. And it’s extremely frustrating for her.

Basically what I’m asking is if any other girls here have gone through something similar, and if so.. why? Is it some sort of phase for women? Please excuse my ignorance. And what should I do? Wait it out and hope for the best, or is there anything I can do to help?

Answer #1

well we do have an extremely open relationship. That’s why I’m on here actually, we’ve talked about how we can try to get her to be horny again. We think it might have something to do with her religion, personally I find that the most likely culprit. But at the same time, she’s been able to get more horny earlier, and before we started dating (while back). But she has been screwed around with repeatedly before she met me, making her sort of less religious. Now that she’s with me she’s more religious, but less horny if that makes any sense. Hence why I’m on here, cause she asked me to help in any way possible to help her be horny again.

Answer #2

Just jack off (: haha jk just talk to her about it…

Answer #3

But the point is, we still do foreplay and all that, even if it doesn’t lead to sex. But she’s not in the mood to do any of that stuff unless she is ‘horny’. and right now, the usual stuff, making out, etc. doesnt make her horny, while it used to. Have of the reason why I’m here like I said, is because its frustrating her, and she wanted me to try and find info.

thankyou for the advice though :) I do appreciate it

Answer #4

Do something romantic. Take her out for a nice dinner, drinks etc.

It’s hard for me to get horny if I know it’s not going anywhere though. If I know I’m not going to have sex, it’s like what’s the point.

That could be her whole problem.

Answer #5

It sounds to me like she’s afraid of being horny and giving in to sex, when her religious beliefs go against that. It’s quite possible that her religion is holding her back from being sexual in any way, and that is what is causing this. You need to talk to her about it though. No one knows what’s going on with her better than she does. If you love her, have an open relationship with her and communicate your worries with her.

Answer #6

well me and my boyfriend are in that kind of situation but with out the religion. we used to be really “horny” all the time and still is like all the time. but lately I havent been I guess its just a phase . but I mean dont force her to do anything she doesnt want to do. just lay in bed with her and cuddle(if its allowed). shell come around im starting to. just giver her time. and dont beg her thats part of my problem. message me when things work out for you.

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