God? Real? Can't be

How can god b l if real if he lets all these bad things happen to people that dont deserve it ?!?

Answer #1

Those scientists are nothing more than nerdy little boys and girls who couldnt get a date or have a normal conversation with a human if their lives depended on it who, every once and a while, have an idea they think they can prove.

Your entire way of life, including your use of a computer, depends on scientific progress. Perhaps you shouldn’t dismiss it so casually.

Despite claims to the contrary by several people on this thread, evolution has been observed countless times, including in our own species.

Its ok, because when you die and spend your eternity in hell, you’ll be remembering how stuupid you were for not listening to those words. hope you have fun there

Taking delight in the suffering of others is sociopathic.

Answer #2

Even till date the radio carbon dating has proven to be non reliable means of dating. Many dates emerge from such dating and scientists are known to take those dates that matches their assumptions.

Wrong. Get YOUR facts straight, or at least cite valid scientific studies and data backing up your claims.

Darwin’s theory of evolution or Macro evolution or the theory that says that man and all animals have evolved from some slimy material in the oceans, has been debunked by many scientists. It exists today only because of the set of scientists who does not want to admit that there is a higher being to whom they are answerable.

Wrong again, and natural selection has gained volumes of evidence since Darwin’s time. We actually know more about it now than he did, given our understanding of mutation, genetics, and evolution.

You said “yes” because you believe that no one can possible answer your reasons. In other words you will accept anything that attempts to disprove your list of reasons. You will willfully be blind. Then of course no one will be able to prove to you that God exists. That does not mean he does not exist, it only means that you are willfully blind.

This exact statement could be made about theists. If you are presented with evidence God does not exist, will you continue to believe he does?

Answer #3

augustine72, I think you’re confusing evolution with natural selection. They are two separate concepts. Evolution has been observed many times. It’s nothing more than a change in traits among a population from one generation to the next, or the emergence of a new trait based on mutation. Every time a species of bacteria or fungi develops resistance to an antibiotic, that is evolution. Every time a species of insect develops resistance to a pesticide, that is evolution.

Natural selection is the mechanism that acts on evolution. If a trait enables a species to better survive, that trait tends to become more characteristic over the course of time. Here’s an interesting article on observations about the Peppered Moth, in Britain and its changes over the course of time.

There are other mechanisms that guide evolution, most of them having to do with gene replication and the introduction of certain alleles to a population. I don’t understand how you can claim none of this is science when it’s been observed by scientists all over the world.

Answer #4

Because it was jesus, not god that showed their self, and if records exist to beyond that day, you can finds one of jesus.

I mean I don’t want to put down other religions, ever.

Plus, we don’t know what god is. He could be anything and everything around us. He can occupy anything he desires. The only genetic thing we know about god is that he’s a male, as to jesus referring to, “father” and practically the whole bible does it too.

Oh, one more thing, I had a great uncle that died of a rare cancer a few years back. He was sitting on the couch, suffering from the cancer, and said to my dad, “Terry, look at that sunlight and those pretty flowers. Looks beautiful huh?” But it was a huge overcast, and the ground was bare to a drought where I live.

By the way. His nurse ( that visits him,) said there was no sign physical cause that could answer why he saw that.

2 days later, he died.

See? God will show him self though what you can call deliriousness because you won’ live long enough to tell anyone else.

I mean I don’t want to put down any one, you can believe anything you want to. I’d care less. but like the topic poster was putting down the Christian religion. I won’t reside for the put down of the lord.

Answer #5

Gah, not this again.

Look God is the real shizz. Why he he lets these horrible event’s happen you ask? Well, when he created everything, it was perfect. 100% of the population was at good heart. everyone had good morals, and no crime ever happened. ever.

Till now, there is racism, hatred, murder, suicide, war, molestation (shall I continue?)

By the way, in response to demii, their response was,

“but its all silly , how could a man creat everi thing in 7 days or what ever he did”



So take this quote into consideration. “If you’ve done everything right, people will be sure you haven’t done anything at all.”

Answer #6

It one of many things in Christianity that doesn’t make sense. Free will answer doesn’t make sense. If God created all things and evil is an actual being, both accepted ideas of Christianity then why did God create evil?

If he was real why can’t he show us real proof?

According to the bible, which is accepted by Christianity, Jesus appeared to hundreds after his resurrection so obviously that didn’t effect their free will. So Christianity’s own book completely destroys that’s excuses. I only use the bible here to illustrate a point. The bible is not reputable source.

I don’t think God actually exist. There is no real proof of God, but there is a mountain of evidence that points to there being no God.

Answer #7

Oh my gosh yall God IS real! The Bible does not say that God isnt real, how in tha world did you come up with that conclusion? And we did NOT come from monkeys! I don’t care what any “scientist” says to try and prove it otherwise. Those scientists are nothing more than nerdy little boys and girls who couldnt get a date or have a normal conversation with a human if their lives depended on it who, every once and a while, have an idea they think they can prove.

Now for your question. All I can say is it happens to everyone. We all go through trials and temptations but we must look to God to get through them. My nana died from cancer years ago and I think she was incapable of doing any thing wrong or less than what God or her family expected of her. But God decided it was her time to go. That was the first bad thing to happen in my life. So I believe that God was testing me.

But God IS real and you can always depend on Him.


Answer #8

An all-powerful, omnibenevolent omnipresent being cannot be reconciled with this universe. Such a god obviously doesn’t exist.

Answer #9

I believe its a test in faith just like what happended in the garden of eden although I do believe in god you atheists bring up many valid points 2 question his existence so therefore I have resopect 4 that I believe not evrything should b taken 2 literal in the bible and neither should those theories like evolution or the big bang evrything happens 4 a reason why is it that their isnt another life sustaining planets within light years of our own or that our race has become the most dominant species in the world why are we given the gift of intelligence over other specis in the animal kingdom I dont believe its pure coincedencebut dats my personal opinion

Answer #10

In my opinion - he’s not real at all. He’s just a made up being that used to be used to explain how things work and teach morals. Now that we have science and we are learning how things came about - it seems pretty silly to still believe in it.

Answer #11

The dictionary meaning of the word “Science” is “ the study of the nature and behaviour of the physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement”

Evolution cannot be observed, experimented with and cannot be measured. Therefore Evolution cannot be considered science.

Thus science has not shown us where we came from. People claim that we are in science age and that science has shown us that there is no God. If you make such claim you should provide proof.

We who believe in a God base our faith on a religion. Then meaning of “religion” is “belief in or worship of a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny”. Therefore we don’t need to prove anything.

Answer #12

“”And we did NOT come from monkeys! I don’t care what any “scientist” says to try and prove it otherwise. Those scientists are nothing more than nerdy little boys and girls who couldnt get a date or have a normal conversation with a human if their lives depended on it who, every once and a while, have an idea they think they can prove.””

wow what a show of ignorance.

Answer #13

Agreed with ichibanarky:

It’s fine to not believe, there is nothing wrong with that as I am an atheist myself, although you should really research a religion more before you just write it off.

Answer #14

but its all silly , how could a man creat everi thing in 7 days or what ever he did lol :S

it makes no sense

Answer #15

Oh please! who do you think you are tobe calling ME childish? Its ok, because when you die and spend your eternity in hell, you’ll be remembering how stuupid you were for not listening to those words. hope you have fun there.


Answer #16

He has given everyone free will and you yourself admit it that he’s there.You said ‘He’

Answer #17

So, you are saying that God owes us something?

He gave us life, and everything that it takes to sustain it.

But, you want more???

If he owes you more… why does he?

On what basis?

What if anything do you owe him?

Answer #18

If there are any gods out there, they are not intervening in events here on earth.

Answer #19

Ya know.. Maybe God lets bad things happen to good people to open up the eyes of the bad.. a lot of times he does it to test the faith of others

Answer #20

It is nlocnil who is ignorant. Evolution is not observable or testable. If it is please tell where they have observed it or tested it. It is not science.

Answer #21

My point exactly. Chrisitians will try to find there way around this question but theres isnt any real way to get out of it!

Answer #22

“If rebirth is true then it definatly isnt just. If it’s true then it wasnt “you” who wronged last time but its YOU whos being punished now.”

That’s not how it works.

If you have done something wrong in a past life (let’s say murder, for example), then the punishment will come to you in a future life, perhaps this one, maybe even the next. This is why even though you may be a good person in this life, bad things keep happening - you have to pay retribution for what was done in the past.

Karma works both ways, though. The good things that have been done in the past lead to good things happening in the future.

Answer #23

If rebirth is true then it definatly isnt just. If it’s true then it wasnt “you” who wronged last time but its YOU whos being punished now. Not saying I dont believe in it I, think I might even believe.

Im not saying I believe in God or I dont, im undecided. Theres got to be something else out there- this unviese is so big! But then thats verging on are aliens real which is another story( I believe they are)

Answer #24

*Every time a species of bacteria or fungi develops resistance to an antibiotic, that is evolution. Every time a species of insect develops resistance to a pesticide, that is evolution.

Sorry that is not evolution because the species of insect stays the same species of insect after it develops resistance. But the theory evolution says that one kind of insect evolved into another kind of animal. Has that been observed?

Answer #25

“but its all silly , how could a man creat everi thing in 7 days or what ever he did”

I think you’re taking things a little too literally.

I don’t believe in God, but I have done my research and came to the decision that suits me best.

If you really want to say he doesn’t exist, perhaps you should at least look into the God-concept so you can approach your decision with a little more knowledge.

Answer #26

If he was real why can’t he show us real proof?

B/c he wants us to have faith and if you dont well thats fine.

So this doesnt get into a huge argument, lets just leave it at this: Anybody can choose to believe in what they want. Nobodys stopping you. Dont let others try to get you to change your mind. whether you’re lutheran, catholic, jewish, etc,. dont let others criticize you and dont you criticize others…ok? :)

Answer #27

I can’t speak for God (as I don’t actually believe in him), but from what I understand about the concept of God is that people were created to live their own lives and he is more or less taking a back seat to allow people to do so (I’m accepting corrections without offence).

However, this is why I believe in Karma and rebirth. The things that happen to us today are directly related to the things we have done in a past life - that’s why bad things happen to good people…it’s our “just desserts”, so to speak.

Answer #28

Sorry that is not evolution because the species of insect stays the same species of insect after it develops resistance.

I’m curious where you get that definition of evolution. Evolution is not defined in biology as one species changing into another one. It is a change in the genetic composition of a population. This happens constantly. When species develop new traits based on the emergence of new genotypes, evolution is taking place.


Answer #29

Faithfulgirl27. Sometimes the truth dose that.

Answer #30

people bring bad things upon other people not god

Answer #31

Do your own research and find the answer yourself.

Answer #32

life is our gift from god, our gift to god is what we become.

Answer #33

“‘wow what a show of”‘ stupidity!!! hehe

Answer #34

jester x makes me cringe.

Answer #35

-,I believe in GOD bcuz if he wasn’t real we wouldn’t be here.right now think about it. And maybe bad things happen to “innocent” people bcuz.those samee innocent ppl don’t believe in GOD,!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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