
I used t go out with this guy, we went out once but it didnt work. then we left it a while and gave it another try, he then grew a liking to this other girl and told me that she would always come before me, this broke my heart and I had to end the relationship. I have never gotten over him and I think im in love with him. now its about 2 months later and him and the girl who he was close to when me and him was together now like eachother but have decided not to go any futher about it. I realised that the first time we went out I was more strong and independant which is why he liked me, then the second time I was more worried about loosing him so I was more lovingn towards him and he didnt like this as much, I know the only way I could get him abck was to be like I was when we first got together, but im so mad about him I dont know how to be. so I was looking for advice on how to look more strong and independant, thanks x

Answer #1

I think you could be more independent by not getting too attached to him. even though it sounds impossible you should try having other plans besides just being with him. maybe if you gave him a bit more space but still talked to him on a regular basis, it would work out eventually :) and when you’re around him, try not to feel like you have to entertain him just to get attention, but still act really happy and outgoing. hope that helps =]

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