Have you ever tried incense?

Have you ever tried incense? Do they make the house smell Good? I have not tried them in Forever and I don’t really rember

Or is there anything else to make your Whole house smell good. For not to much money

Answer #1

Incense is OK, however, it makes the air a bit thick…there are air freshner plug ins that work as well to make the house smell better.

Scented candles work, too. Not sure which one is the most economical though.

Answer #2

my mom says she does not want them in the house but she smokes (not inside though) so I don’t know why.

true do you know any good candles that smell really good?

Answer #3

can’t help you with any name or brand name. but depending on what you like. vanilla cented candles smell divine to me.

Answer #4

I love burning incence, but I am not always allowed to burn it in the house. My dad says it gives him asthma. but it does make your house smell good. As for cented candles. the work very well but then you run the risk of something maybe catching fire when you not watching.

Answer #5

Insense is a good thing! I use it all the time and it makes the house smell yummy!

Answer #6

I agree they do ha

Answer #7

one time and a friend seriously inhaled that stuff hahaha…stupid..

Answer #8

lol nice. what happend?

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