Im just so sad... and want someone to talk to...

in January, my Grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer…

she would need 4-6 treatments of chemo… and even with that, she would only live 9 months…

she only got 2 treatments…

its now been 8 months…

im not ready for her to go yet…

something mademe watch “When your gone” for the millionth time…

and… with the old guy… I can see that as my grandpa… she cant go yet…

im so sad right now..

and I need someone to talk to…

Answer #1

Sweetie death is a part of life we have to accept

I lost the person I most loved in this world

& till this day im not over it

in my head she is still alive do the thing I wasnt able 2 do

spend her last days with her express your feelings to her

let her know how much you love her & that your gunna miss her

make her laugh let her enojoy her last days with you im sure she

loves you as much as you love her & she will always be in your heart

if you need anything im here =]

Answer #2

Im not going to say I know how you feel.. Because I dont know how it feels to lose a grandparent. Everyone feels different I’m only 13 and My sister passed away when I was 9 and I just , well I dont know what to say. If you don’t movoe on you will be always sad.. Everysingle time I think about it. I just feel really bad.. You should move on.. Becuse, think about what they will think, I don’t think they want you crying and being depressed everyday bbecause of them. Im sure they want you o just be happy and mve on with a happy life.. I dont know if what I wrote just now even makes sense, Im just typing so fast.. I dont know why.. but. please you should really cheer up. make it a happy ending.. I know it sound so childish but. really.. try. If you want to contact me just e mail me through

Answer #3

Omg :( thats soo sad haha now I feel like crying haha…but still thats soo sad…maybe because they cant live without each other :( that reminds me of the note book

Answer #4

Trust me life will change a lot..when my dad died I thught my world ended and im still struggling..then my grandpa died and then my great grandma and now my best friend and it hurts a lot soemtiems dont know what to do or even if I can survive. but people do take things for granted! And ifi was going to sy one thing dont regret anything and dont do the I could have said this or I could have done this one more time or I could have done soemthing to save the person who dies because it makes you fel horrble trust me I thought I could savemy dad after he died and I thoght I coudl have said and doen many things befoe he had died and it has gotten me no here just more pain

Answer #5

I know how you feel. One of my closest relatives who was about 60 something when she died (two months ago)…she had cancer of the blood. She had it for 5 years…and it went away…and then came back…and I got to see her on the last day…but I couldn’t go see her on the day she died…I had finals…so…yeah…I was really sad…and still am…and I lost my uncle to AIDS…around the same time…he was close too…it seems a lot of close people die around me…I hate it…and my friend…her childhood friend died some months ago…it was really sad…so we know how you feel, and you’ll feel better soon. Like me! :)

Answer #6

Im so sorry about whats going on…my advice to you is to make the best of the time thats left with your grandma…she doesnt want you to be sad !!! I lost my stepfather when I was twelve…so I know how it is…you need to be with your family and that will help a lot…again im sorryy may god be with with you sweetiee

Answer #7

me and my mum think docters know theres a cure for cancer… but if they find it.. they’ll lose money… so thats why they havent done anyhing…

and they just let people die…

Answer #8

you know… my mum told me somthing… and it made me want to die…

she told me that my grampa said a few years ago, when he and my gramma got up there in years… they were going to get a tank of propane and open it in the house, and die together in bed…

that was the saddest thing I had ever heard…

Answer #9

you know… all this is just making me realize everything…

life is so short…

people take too many things for granted…

if I lose her… my life will be so different…

ill never be the same… ever…

I never thought she would be gone…

and now… everything is just… I dont even know…

nothing will be worth doing…

my mum wont do anything ever again… and I wont want to either…

Answer #10

I know. my grandpa got screwed over by the hospital, you had to know him, he was a fighter. it wasn’t his time yet. my grandma had cancer twice and lived, smokes now. smart one right? my aunt the healthiest person you will ever find, never smoked, anything, died of cancer. nice lady. my great grandma is ready to go now, she keeps saying she just wants to sleep and not wake up, thats hard to take.

Answer #11

Yah! I think that too al the timeand plus there too lazy to do anything ether

Answer #12

oh hun, death is scary and it really hurts to loose a loved one. I lost my grandpa like 8 years ago and at his funeral I could hardly breathe, but eventually I moved on I just know he is smiling down on me in heaven and some day we will be together again. If you need someone to talk to please feel free to fun mail mei would be glad to talk.

Take care!

Answer #13

oh hun, death is scary and it really hurts to loose a loved one. I lost my grandpa like 8 years ago and at his funeral I could hardly breathe, but eventually I moved on I just know he is smiling down on me in heaven and some day we will be together again. If you need someone to talk to please feel free to fun mail mei would be glad to talk.

Take care!

Answer #14

I know how that feels…I lost my dad and my grandpa and im still not over both or there deaths.and I just lost my best friend to cancer and she had cancer…she went for a normal doc check up and they did bloodwork and they found cancer allover her body and it was uncurable but they sent her off to another hospitual andthey said they couldent do anyhign and she died in another town and I never got to see her or say goodbye it was so short she only had 2 weeks to live and she spent them in another citty to die and yah…im really sad too so your not alone! if you want to talk just funmail me im here if you need to talk =)

Answer #15

oh hun, death is scary and it really hurts to loose a loved one. I lost my grandpa like 8 years ago and at his funeral I could hardly breathe, but eventually I moved on I just know he is smiling down on me in heaven and some day we will be together again. If you need someone to talk to please feel free to fun mail mei would be glad to talk.

Take care!

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