Why is my pubic area itching?

Ok im 16,I’ve only had sex with 3 different girls,and my third girl was yesterday.She just recently lost her virginity to a boy, and I was her 2nd man to have sex with.We did not use a condom,and afterwards I washed in that area and I trimmed my pubs,and after I trimmed them it started to itch a lil bit,but there are no bumps what so ever..is this something I should worry about or is it normal?

Answer #1

Sometimes trimming or shaving can be extremely itchy.

However, if you did not use protection, you should both get tested for STDs, and she should get a pregnancy test. Most people with some of the most common STDs have no symptoms at all.

In the future, you need to use protection unless you actually want a baby or an STD.

Answer #2

if you have never shaved before i understand. my friend did once and it itched too. he said that he uses itching cream. then he just stopped shaving. i dont really know how to help. i suggest stop shaving for a while and see if the itching stops. if so you’ve found your culprit. otherwise i would see a doctor.

Answer #3

I know how you feel I shaved mine too and it itches sooo bad but it usually goes away after three weeks

Answer #4

umm please use protection next time, to avoid potentially life threatining disease.. your stupid.. please go to church. :]

Answer #5

why would you have sex and not use a condom? :/ well obviously unless you want a baby

yeah once I shaved a little part and it was extremely irritating. I think you should wax?

Answer #6


Answer #7

Pretty much normal for it to start itching after you shave your pubes. I still havent shaved mine.

Answer #8


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