Illicit Behavior

Why do people have premarital sex? Sex for reasons other than procreation? Consumption of Alcohol? Drug use? Meat Eating? Intoxication? Prostitiution? Gambling? Adultery? Murder? Fornification? Abortion? Since this is in defiance of God, why do religious people do it? I am not trying to bash religious people, or any particular group. I am religous myself. I am just wondering why people who are religious engage in these sins even though God says they are evil.

Answer #1

The reason there is so much evil in the world is because of people just like you who are sinning, and say that you do it because you can. That is why people are murdered, starving, and raped. God does these things to punish people for their sins. People must be punished for their sins. Even if someone was 100 percent innocent of sin, which I doubt, they would still have sin from innumerable lives before this current one. SO nobody, is innnocent. Everything that happens to a person, happens because they are being punished for their sins, and nothing else. Everything that happens to a person is 100 percent just. God punishes that person only according to their sins. If somebody was 100 percent good and innocent, then nothing bad could happen to them. He could jump in a fire, jump off a cliff, blow himself up, and nothing would happen. He would not get hurt. A good example of this is Prahalada Maharaja who was sinless, so he couldn’t get hurt no matter how many times he was thrown off cliffs or into the fire. People suffer only due their sins, such as the sins that I mentioned above. Even if the sins don’t occur in this life, people will be punished for the sins they commit in previous lives. God is 100 percent fair and has to punish sinners for their misbehavior and sins.

Answer #2

sex is fun. I have sex with my fiance cause I love him. I can’t have kids…thanks to your so called “God” :( so does that mean I can never have sex?!

alcohol and drugs are fun. obviously you’ve never had fun in your life. not to mention Jesus drank wine.

eating meat is natural. Jesus eat meat, so why do you think we can’t?

positution is obviously for money. you get to have sex…fun…and earn easy money. don’t you remember Jesus was friends with positutes…so try and be as understanding as he was.

adultery and murder I’ve never done. so I can’t comment on that.

I’ve never had an abortion and I doubt I ever would. so I wont comment on that either.

not everybody does these things, so don’t judge everyone the same. don’t you know only “God” can judge, not you.

God made humans that were not 100% perfect and have free-will. so we all have sinned to some degree. maybe your God should have created a perfect race, then we wouldn’t have these problems.

it’s depends on the rules of your religion as to what you believe is a sin or not. besides many people don’t believe in God, so they don’t worry about sin.

Jesus DID NOT believe in reincarnation and past lives! therefore you are actually believing in a false religion! look who’s going to hell now.

TOADALY os right…you can’t go to hell and be reincarnated. get your facts straight.

yes you have the right to believe whatever you want, but that doesn’t mean you can judge and critisize us for our beliefs.

you must have an easy life if you can blame everything in the world on sinners or past-life-sinners.

your so called religion says God punishs people, yet religions such as christians say that God is merciful and does not cause his people pain.

no one is 100% sin free…you are def’ not.

I hope you recover from your brain-washing.

Answer #3

First of all I am not a Christian. I don’t think Christianity is moral. Learn how to spell the word prostitute also. Not being able to conceive is usually the result of having an abortion in a previous life. This is what you get for abortions performed in past lives. Also understand I don’t care what the fck Jesus says. For the last time I AM NOT A FCKING CHRISTIAN! Who cares about Jesus and understand your comment is true that not all people beleive in God. That is why I specifically directed the question saying why do “RELIGIOUS” people engage in sinful behavior! Try to pay attention to the question! For your information you can be reincarnated and go to Hell!! YOU are so IGNORANT!!!

Answer #4

In response to Todaly:

You have to understand what reincarnation is. Currently we have incarnated on the Earh in human form. In our next life if we are bad we might incarnate as animals on Earth, or we might incarnate on Hellish planets to suffer for millions of years. Just like Earth is one planet., there are also many Hellish Planets that you can reincarnate on. Who says you can’t reincarnate in Hell. Earth is not the only place you can reincarnate in. You can reincarnate on the moon, other celestial planets, in different galaxies, in different universes. This all depends on your Karma. You can reincarnate in Hell. I hope this has expanded your mind and let you understand the esoteric nature of Krishna Consciousness.

Answer #5

…so Hell is a planet? What galaxy is it in?

You might want to tone down your flaming posts. You don’t want to reincarnate as a slug on planet Salt afterall.

Answer #6

In respons to Looking 4 love:

I am not a Christian. I am Krishna Conscience. I beleive in reincarnation and a sinless person cannot be harmed.

Answer #7

u ask why we have sex other than procreation…the best answer for this question is…Because we can…plain and simple, and the truth…as for the link to religion look at how you live and how the starving live, how the raped live, how the murderers live…tell me what god is there to let such undignified things happen…do you think that there is a reason god kills innocent people and lets other people rape and abuse people…think of your own faith before you ask others of theirs

Answer #8

I’m sin free, because sin is a religious concept, and I have none. Nonreligious people are the only ones who can be sin free.

In one breath you tell people they’re going to ‘hell’, and in the next you say “I believe in reincarnation”. I have to wonder if even you know what it is you believe.

Answer #9

I am sorry I apologize for offending all of you. I will no longer respond to this post. I am sorry I started this question in the first place. It won’t happen again.

Answer #10

No I’m not an atheist and you should not be sorry that I’m happy because you do not matter to me because you’re controlled by fear of the unknown. You’re weak and have to resort to something to hold on to, to find a meaning to life.

Answer #11

But in any case what I said is true, all suffering is based on the sins of this life and previous lives and I didn’t say athiests are responsible for all bad things. But you can’t say that there is an atheist that is 100 percent sin free. That is not possible.

Answer #12

You can beleive whatever you want, it will not change my opinon that I have stated, so instead of repeadetly putting me down you could just stop commenting, because I am who I am and I beleive what I beleive. I do not want to agrue, because you will believe what you want and me what I want, so what’s the point of arguing? Don’t answer this question, just drop it.

Answer #13

well everyone sins. Sex tempts some people more than others. Just bc youre religous dosent mean that youre perfect. Im a christain @ fall all the time. You need to learn how to witnes.Youre atitude keeps people from church. Jesus hung out w/ the sinners. He just showed them love. As far as why people sin its human nature. before you come to know christ you dont know or chose not to act right. saying youre going to hell @ trying to scare them might work on kids 10 or under not growm men.

Answer #14

Are you an atheist? I am sorry than sin makes you happy? Does going to Hell to suffer forever also make you happy? Because, that’s where you will go if you engage in these sins!

Answer #15

well everyone sins. Sex tempts some people more than others. Just bc youre religous dosent mean that youre perfect. Im a christain @ fall all the time. You need to learn how to witnes.Youre atitude keeps people from church. Jesus hung out w/ the sinners. He just showed them love. As far as why people sin its human nature. before you come to know christ you dont know or chose not to act right. saying youre going to hell @ trying to scare people might work on kids 10 or under not growm men.

Answer #16

Because not everyone believes in god. Because some things make people happy. There’s a lot more going on than what apparently you can’t comprehend so there’s not really any reason for me to explain. Go out and live by yourself in a bad neighborhood and maybe you’ll learn some life lessons.

Answer #17

Your intial questions seemed to be, “Why do religious people participate in illicit (or sinful) behaviors?”. This is a legitimate question, particular if you meant why do religious people keep committing the same sins even though they believe they are wrong.

The atheist comments and your next post, however, are insane. Atheists don’t enjoy sinning and we are not responsibile for all the bad things in life. We don’t murder, rape, and steal just because we are atheists. In fact, we are grossly underrepresented in the prison population.

Does your religion have a commandment not to bear false witness? I hope not; otherwise, you just sinned against some of us atheists big time.

Answer #18

No offence, but people should hardly be responsible for the person they were in a “previous life”, considering they are probably different. I don’t believe in such things.

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