i wanna lose weight!!

living in miami where every where you look theres half naked girls i want to lose some weight cuz i got myself a bit of fat and these girls all so skinny god dam it! but everything ive tried hasnt worked ive gone on diets crash diets the atkins diet ive tried the lot!! anything else?

Answer #1

What I think you should do is go to a health club and maybe workout some. However, some of your problem may be phycological. Everyone around you has the “perfect body”, but everyone thinks of this body differently. Try to ignore their weight and focus on your inner beauty. There are people everywhere who have the same problem as you do. But, your weight may have something to do with colon problems. Enlargement of the colon and constipation may be signs of this and you should consult a physician right away.

Some of the diets you may have been trying might be scams. Try to avoid taking pills and crash dieting. If you do that, the wieght will just pack right back on. May I suggest, Weight Watchers or Bailey’s Fitness Club. These are both great, but maybe a little expensive. If you are short on chash, try just eating healthier, jogging, working out at least one hour a day, and those carbs wil burn RIGHT off. Tell me how everything goes and GOOD LUCK!

Answer #2

first of all, u need to check ur bmi and make sure u can stand to lose a few. and what ever udo, dont crash or atkins diet. its totally unhealthy, and ull gain it right back

Answer #3

Try the ABs diet! http://www.absdiet.com/uof/absdiet/?source=rodale

It’s not just a diet fad, it’s healthy living and eating! The book is inexpensive and available almost anywhere. Inside is a bunch of diet tips and exercises.

Women’s Health Magazine always has tips and exercises, try getting a subscription!

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