I need help about religion

im trying to be open to religion… my step dad is muslim and a lot of my friends are… my dad is catholic and my grandma is thinking like its the cold war with commies… welll I want to be open to religion my dad is pissed off that im trying to do that thinks its a thing were you make bombs and stuff but its learning the background of the religion and how to speak farcy or somthing like that… my grandma thinks im getting brain washed and I cant do crap about it what do I do?

Answer #1

I think you should do what your inner heart tells you to do. If your grandmother thinks you are being brainwashed you may want to listen.

That’s a bit contradictory.

Answer #2

Islam is a great religion, and their holy book is arguably the most well written religious text out of ALL known religion.

Jesus is actually referenced in FIVE major world religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, & Hinduism.

Answer #3

yeh cause like the first time I went to the school they talked about jesus quite abit (muslim) not in a bad way but they just referd to him

Answer #4

Locka. How does changing you religions or becoming an atheist become the problem?

Learning other religious beliefs is a good way to educate yourself. Be careful of fundelmentlst. And brainwashing.

Answer #5

tyvm :] mystery

Answer #6

Your right it is bull. This is what religion ultimately does when it claims to be The One and excludes all others as evil.

Don’t know what to tell you cept that you might have to wait until you out of the house or turn 18

Answer #7

So… what you’re saying is… your father and grandmother are totally ignorant. That’s pretty typical. They don’t know that the radical ‘bomb-making’ Muslims are to Islam, as the KKK or the Neo-Nazis are to Christianity.

I’d usggest you research the origins, and similarities of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Since they’re all connected in the past, and the present, and share many of the same principals.

Answer #8

well if you like catholic then stick to that one when you grow up but if not then chose the other religion or have no religion at all because that ruins many family and relationship problems too

Answer #9

I thank you (kalama and jester x) for helping that is what I needed but my other questions are what do I do about my grandma tho she thinks im being brain washed? How do I stay open to Religion if my dad wont let me?

dont get me wrong my dads nice its just that he doesnt really like the muslim religion cause of the radicals… and my grandma thinks im being brainwashed cause I said theres nothing wrong with it… she says “well why arent they stoping the bad ones and see they are invading the country to brainwash the children” its bull

Answer #10

well I like all religions…im just trying to learn it all. we dont go to church and stuff and im not really catholic I just learned a bit about the faith I’ve been to baptist methodist prespiterian catholic and muslim places… so I really dont have a specific religion…what do I do about my grandma tho she thinks im being brain washed cause I said I dont see anything wrong with the muslim religion..

Answer #11

I think you should do what your inner heart tells you to do. If your grandmother thinks you are being brainwashed you may want to listen. She has been here for a little while and I bet she acquired a little knowledge throughout your life. If your dad is upset sweetie its probably because he feels lifke your impressionable mind is being led astray. All I can say is in the end He will have the last say and His will be done. You dont have to chose anything just open up and allow Him to come to you. Through whatever religion He deems right for you.

Answer #12

There’s nothing more entertaining than an overzealous-stoner.

Answer #13

You might want to seek God, to see which path He… wants you to follow.

Answer #14

If you like religions, go ahead and study them and research their origins and history. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a very interesting topic after all. There’s nothing wrong with not picking any one religion at all either. It good to be open minded and be open to all the good that religions teach, and also note the bad that can sometimes come with being radical/extreme, and taking things too literally.

Other people will always have an opinion of you, and no matter how well meaning you are, they can keep their perception of you (good and/or bad). You probably won’t be able to make your grandma, dad, or anyone happy in terms of the religion of your choice (or the lack of it), as they are steadfast in their own beliefs. You have the right to have your own beliefs and choose your own path. Others will think what they want to think. Don’t let them force you into something you don’t want to be part of. Even if they can’t respect your open belief, as long as you respect theirs (and I know you do), you are doing no wrong.

Answer #15

There was only One who died and arose again, Jesus - this is my understanding and what I have come to know after asking and receiving Christ into my heart - God being pure cannot even look upon sin - man, even in his very best state is a sinner - on judgement day, either: your sins are covered by the blood-shed sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (salvation and only salvation - being a nice person isn’t good enough - even at our very best, we are but filthy rags), and remembered no more or they are not (your sins are not covered) - where God’s great love comes into play is, He provided a WAY (Jesus) for us not to perish and live in Heaven with Him (He certainly didn’t have to do this but did because He loved us so) - if you read carefully John 3:16, this is exactly what it says - each person will either accept or reject, you must decide for yourself and yes, it’s so important, it has eternal consequences - He Loves you and wants you to accept God’s free gift to man - Jesus - ‘if you are a truth seeker, then you will find Jesus’ - I hope this helps you !!

Answer #16

*[“You might want to seek God, to see which path He…wants you to follow.”

*“There is NONE that understandeth, there is NONE that SEEKETH after God” [Romans 3:11]. Man is unable to comprehend the truth of God or grasp His standard of righteousness [1 Corinthians 2:14]…and his spiritual ignorance does not result from his lack of opportunity [Romans 1:19,20;2:15]…but is an expression of his DEPRAVITY and REBELLION [Ephesians 4:18]. The phrase “There is none who seeks after God” clearly implies that the world’s false religions are fallen man’s attempts to ESCAPE the TRUE God…NOT to SEEK Him! Man’s natural tendency is to seek his OWN interests [Philippians 2:21]…but his ONLY hope is for God to seek HIM [John 6:37,44]. It is only as a result of God’s WORK in the HEART that anyone SEEKS Him [Psalms 16:8;Matthew 6:33].

BOTTOM-LINE: Man does NOT and CANNOT seek after God because of his DEPRAVITY…tis God who seeks AFTER man according to the SOVEREIGNTY of His own will.

Too, there is only ONE path that God wishes sinful man to follow…and that is Faith in His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON for He “…is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” [2 Peter 3:9].


Answer #17

God gave each of us a conscience…”con” means “with”…and “science” means “knowledge”…so each time we sin, we do it with knowledge that it’s wrong. He also wrote his Laws upon our hearts…let me ask you a quick question…do you think that you’re a good person? Under men’s standards, each of us can think of ourselves as being “good”…however, we should be looking at what God requires instead. God gave us the Ten Commandments so that we could figure out how we measure up to His standards. 9th Commandment - Have you ever lied? If so, that makes you a liar. 8th Commandment - Have you ever stolen anything, regardless of its value? If so, you’re a thief. 3rd Commandment - Have you ever taken God’s name in vain? If so, you have taken the name of the God that gave you life and dragged it through the mud, and the Bible calls that blasphemy. Jesus said that if you do so much as look at someone with lust, you commit adultery in your heart. If a person is being honest, the majority would have to answer “yes” to all of the above. And if you did, you just admitted that God would see you as a lying, thieving, blaphemous, adulterer at heart…and this is only 4 of the 10 Commandments. Then you have to ask yourself the following two questions…would God find you innocent or guilty of breaking His laws? If you’re honest, you would have to say that you’re just as guilty as the rest of us…would He send you to heaven or hell? Most people here would say “heaven,” thinking that He would have to be a more forgiving God than this…think about what you’re saying here…if God were to let people go into heaven, who have broken His laws, then He would be an unjust (corrupt) judge. Now, let me ask you a final question…what did God do so that we would not have to go to hell?…Two thousand years ago, God became a man in Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect, SINLESS life (did not break any of God’s laws), died on the cross, and rose again on the 3rd day after His death. When Jesus was on that cross, He was taking the punishment for the sins of the WHOLE world, including myself. It’s like this…you and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid our fine in His life’s blood. So, on the “day of judgement” God can dismiss our case because of what Jesus did. His righteousness can be imputed to us. The Bible says that you must do two things in order to receive this gift…you must REPENT (turn from your sins)…and put your complete TRUST in Jesus alone for your salvation. Once you do these two things, the Bible says that He will make you a new person. Jesus actually calls it “being born again”. He’ll give you a new heart with new desires. Those sinful things that you used to do…you’ll no longer want to do them. My only advice after this would be to get yourself a Bible and obey what you read…and also find yourself a good church. I know that this commentary was rather lengthy…but there’s nothing more important than YOUR ETERNAL SALVATION.

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