What are these visions?

Okay, I’m not sure how to put this. Sometimes I have visions of things that come true. I was at Church one day with my whole family and I ketp having a vision that someone will fall down the steps after Church. After Church my granny fell down the steps, but she didn’t hurt herself. One day I was over my daddy’s house watching a movie and my daddy told me that it’s a gross part in the movie. Then I had a vision that my daddy paused the movie right on the gross part, my daddy actually paused the movie on the gross part. Then one day my brother went to the Barbar shop to get his hair braided and I didn’t go. I had a vision he came home mad and his hair cut off. When my brother came home for real he was mad because his hair got cut off. I’m having visions and they coming true. I don’t know what this is, but it’s weird. Do anyone know what this is?

Answer #1

It’s probably confirmation bias. We have a tendency to be surprised when we experience coincidences because they’re improbable, but at the same time we have a tendency not to even notice how often we’ve thought something that never comes true. This can give the impression that coincidences happen all the time, when it’s really just normal probability throwing out the odd match. The memory is also a little more mailable than most people realize. It’s possible that you thought about something, then experienced something that was almost a match, and eventually came to forget about any discrepancies, believing your vision was dead on.

If you want to informally test it, carry a notebook around. Every time you feel you’ve had a vision, write it down in exact detail. Before you go to bed, come back and describe any experiences that might have matched, and you’ll see if your experiences really are predictive, or if what you’re noticing is just unintended bias selecting for coincidences.

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