how do glasses ruin your vision?

I was wondering I wear glasses and I’ve heard that they ruin your eyes over time and when you take them off you have even worse vision so is there any truth to that. that they ruin your eyes?

Answer #1

In general wearing or not wearing spectacles will neither help nor harm your vision; it just affects how well you see and your level of eyestrain.

If one eye sees much better than the other our brains can learn to ignore the worse eye. The ignored eye does get weaker and weaker which is called lazy eye or ambliopia. Most people, even those who need glasses do not suffer from this.

The range over which our eyes can focus is called accommodation. When we are young we have so much accommodation that even if we are a bit near or far sighted we can usually see everything. As we get older the amount of accommodation decreases so more of us need glasses. The rate we loose accommodation is caused by reduced flexibility in our eye lens rather than weakening ciliary muscles. People with presbyopia regain their ability to focus when their own eye lens is replaced by a flexible inter-ocular lens (Crystalens) Young people can have as much as 15 diopters of accommodation while retirees have almost none. When individuals can not focus at all necessary distances even after adjustment with glasses this is called presbyopia. Other than surgery the treatments for presbyopia are multi-focus lenses (bifocals, trifoals, progressive addition lenses).

Answer #2

If you need glasses, and you do not wear them, then your brain learns compensation. Like you recognize people by their voice, their walk and their build if you can’t see their face properly. Or you get used to walking diffferently. If you know there might be your lil brothers matchbox cars on the carpet and you cant see them, you’d unintentionally slide your feet along the carpet so you dont step on them. That way, you’ll never be really aware that you can’t see them while other folks can. If somebodies eyes got gradually worse at some time of his life, he might not even know he’s shortsighted, until someone asks to ‘read that sign over there’, and he can’t.

But, if you are used to glasses, you will feel helpless when they’re not on your nose. Because you havent learned to compensate. Then you see somebody coming towards you, and you can’t tell if its your friend or the schools’ bully until he’s near you. And you’ll hurt your feet and crush your brothers toy cars at home.

This might be where the rumor you heard comes from:

  • For a very long time, 1920s till 1990s opticians/optometrists and doctor did give people glasses that were just a little weaker than the ones you’d need. It’s called undercorrection. They thought this would help to prevent the exes from getting worse. Today doctors and opticians know that undercorrection is contraproductive. It aczually makes the eyes bad faster than wearing exactly fit glasses would.
  • Sunglasses can be dangerous if they do not filter UV light. Because your pupils get wide as the glasses shade your eyes. And then if they don’t filter the invisible frequencies of sunlight too, your eyes can get something like sunburn.
Answer #3

no, glasses are used to help protect your vision and to help prevent it from getting any worse they only way glasses would ruin your vision is if you were wearing prescription ones that wernt presribed to you

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