I dont like my mom's boyfriend? (read)

My mom and this guy have been dating for a month 1/2 and I dont like him already.

He’s over every single night and when hes over im always stuck sitting in my room. And he doesnt even talk to me. well when he does hes asking me to do something for him like “can you go wash my car” or “can you fix me a steak?” we just moved and the this is our first night in our new house and he’s already over here we havent even unpacked yet! My mom COMPLETELY ignores me when hes over. she wont even listen to me when I trying to ask her for my pills that my doctor gave me. (and she wont even do that so im in so much pain) I just had surgery (I had 2 metal rods attached to my spine). and when I ask for help I feel like I come second. for ex: we were shopping and he shoes up and then next thing you know she gives me the door key and tells me to go home…?

I hate having a man in the house. I got raped when I was 7 in my house and ever since then I hated having men in the house. I tried talking to her and all she did was say im being extremely selfish. Am I?? I just got out the f*cking hospital and I just feel like she doesn’t care about me anymore. What should I do??

Answer #1

first it if you cant have men in the house then you need some serios counsling for what happen to you when you were young its a serperate issue from this boyfriend thing and you need to tell your mom exactly how feel express it respectfully tell her you want to be apart of things and you dont feel that thiers any faimly their and ask your mom aslo how she feels . tell her you want more of a relationship from her and give her examples of what she does that hurts you .leave her boyfriend aside she is a adult should be able to figure that part out it sounds like she doesnt know how to balance her time and that she is bieng selfish but she may not mean to .if this doesnt work you need to speak to some one you trust and tell them what you tell your mom and granparent would be good aunt uncle some one you think that she will listen too and if that doesnt work go to your school and tell them whats giong on and ask for counsling for your self and for them to speak to your mom with you their. and see then after that if you and your mom can get counsly just have an adult help you get it it may help if you and your mom cant reslove anything never keep it inside friends can help and friends parents who are respectfull of you and trusting but you deffinalty need to talk to some one at school about what happened when you were little and get it addressed becouse that has noithing to do with her current boyfriend but something that can disrupt your life extremely .so thiers 2 reasons for counseling but keep trying to talk to your mombut be nice about it so she hopefully listens too you.I sure she loves you and iam sure you have faimly or friends that love you so speak up.

Answer #2

She is the one being extremely selfish, along with her simple-minded boyfriend.

Don’t follow teriyakie’s advice - “It works every time I think” is quite a stupid statement to say after that.

If your mom has an ounce of love for you under all that fake love for her useless boyfriend, then you should explain to her that you are being completely used, and even during your time of need.

There is nothing selfish about wanting your mother to help you when you just came out of the hospital and not wanting her and her boyfriend to use you whenever they feel like.

Answer #3

Now I gotta say Im not really helping here. All I can say is I have family problems too but compared to yours they seem quite trivial. Anyway based on personal experience if people you’re supposed to trust (ie your mom) make you feel betrayed the best thing is to talk to someone ELSE you do trust. Say a close friend. Or try counselling.

If you do see a counsellor though, dont tell your mom yet

Answer #4

Um what you can do is beat the Sht outa him and maybe your mother will say OMG my daughter is hitting my boyfriend so you then say mom I hate your boyfriend he’s a fukin douce bg and I want him dead. It works every time I think

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