I cussed and gossiped... now what?

we were doing this game in gym where we had to cross the court by stepping on objects. a person from the other team put an object right infront of the team I was on. I said “what the h*ll are you doing?” after another guy had already started yelling at them. as soon as I asked she got really ticked off and thought I was trying to cuss her out. after I was mad because she was mad at me for something I didn’t see as all that bad. I tried to explain to a friend what happened, but she heard her name, which only enraged her more. honestly I didn’t mean to offend her, nor do I mean to offend any people reading this message who would be. I tried to say sorry, but she just yelled over me. it wasn’t until later I realized she must of been offended due to her religion. I feel guilty for gossipping and cussing. also I’m worried that she might start nasty rumors about me, even if she told me not to about her. how do I say I’m sorry and not say that word again? (don’t want a repeat) I do not feel good about what I did. btw I put this under love an relationships for the RELATIONSHIPS part.

Answer #1

she won’t even talk to me for 5 seconds. how do I get her to listen?

Answer #2

You should pull her aside when nobody else is around and be like “we need to talk” and even if she starts yelling just stay calm and explain yourself. Once she notices you are being nice and apologizing she’ll probley start to accept it. We all have bad days and it sounds like that was the case and she got on your last nerve.

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