How would you feel in this situation? Betrayed? Hurt?

Ma and my boyfriend have ben dating for about 15 months. He recently told me I wasnt the first person he had sex with. My boyfriend had a very confusing life when he was younger. His mother was always at work and left him with just random family members. One day him and his older girl cousin was playing house with her friend. So when he was in 8th grade he had sex with his cousins friend who was in 8th grade. He says he didnt know what he was doing and just did what the girl told him to do. I found this very disturbing and also hurt. I always thought I was his first like he was mgmine. He regrets now and wis

Answer #1

well you shoudent feel betraid it natrule in my middle school there doing it in 6th grade but he diddent know what he was doing he just did what he was told and hes going out wit you you mean a lot more to him them some random girl

Answer #2

you shouldnt, what if you had done the same when you were younger? but I guess it would be kinda annoying…

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