How can I make new friends at high school?

Hi [: I’m starting highschool in a couple of weeks. But I don’t know anyone at the school I’m going to. So I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to make new friends. Thanks! ^_^

Answer #1

Here’s some info:

Good luck and have a great year !!

Answer #2

just be really open to meeting new people dont judge any one and be nice to eeryone you run into! (keep a smile on)

Answer #3

Get involved! Join different clubs such as drama, debate, student council, etc. Try out for sports too. You obviously dont want to take on too much, but the more and different things you get involved in, the more people you will meet. Keep your mind open, and dont just think you have to make friends with people in just one “clique”. Good luck, and have fun, it will be way easy!

Answer #4

Just talk to people, get to know different people and see what you have in common with others.

Answer #5

Start conversations with people and be social. People like to make new friends. So it should go good. :D Good Luck!

Answer #6

About a year and half ago i moved to Florida all the way from nevada. i had to start at a school where i didnt know anybody. for about a week and a half i had no friends, but then i started to talk to a group of 6 girls that looked really nice. turns out that they were really nice. today they are my best friends in the whole world! we just started high school on a week ago and we still hang out at lunch, but i dont have them in any of my classes. i have talked to a few people but not many. but eventually i will make new friends. just dont worry, be brave and go up to people.

Answer #7

HEY im sidney and I am alsom going to a new school and I am scared to and making new friends is all about being youe self and being truth full and keeping it chill!!! okay bye

Answer #8

Join some clubs or just don’t be afraid to talk to people in your classes!

Answer #9

well first of all start touching the guys dick

Answer #10

When I started at a new school a couple of years ago I remember how scared I was. I was terrified that no one would like me. I got there and there were just so many people. It felt daunting. The worst part was everyone knew each other. It was so tempting to just go off in a corner and be by myself, but I didn’t. I walked up to a group of girls and asked if I could hang out with them that morning. Now, three years later, they are my very best friends.

What I mean to say is that you'll have to be bold because there's a chance people might not  go out of their way to be welcoming. Then again they might. Be relaxed, be yourself, and let your personality shine through; I'm sure you have a lot of it. 

Best of luck. hugs, Jill

Answer #11

Be yourself.Put on the most warming,comfortable smile you can do.Some people will smile back!Be nice!Join clubs!You can’t please everybody,so relax if somebody doesn’t wanna be your friend right away,o.k?

Answer #12

I had the same situation as you did, I had to move to this new town and go to this new highschool and the first day was horrible, I knew nobody at all, I felt like a baby in an adults world, I walked the halls alone, ate alone, I basically stood alone, and sometimes in highschool its hard to make friends that are girls, because sometime they really tend to judge you, so all my friends were boys, the whole football team where my best friends and they still are, so what im trying to say is be open to any new type of friends no matter what race or gender or if you think they’re hot or not cause it turns out the more open you are to people the the more you will find that are open to you, so talk to anybody you’ll be surprised of the different peronailties you will find in them, so dont judge, be cool, and be yourself and everything will be fine!!Good Luck ;)

Answer #13

ok im starting a new school some of this advice is really helpful but I move schools I have been 2 4 different school so I had to make friends when I moved to qld I was so scared but then a really nice girl took me 2 sit with her at lunch and that helped when I got to highschool wanted to make some more friends their was a boy on the bus and I just walked up to him and stared talking to him at first he thought I was a freak now he is like abest friend and I have a best friend called rhianan my friend lily introduce me now were best friend and I was in the libary and I saw a girl by her self she was friends with my friend georgina anyway I sat next to her and said hey my names sheridan whats urs and I went from and I miss her but we were the best of friends so as neverse as it is their is always someones who wants 2 be friends with the new kid

Answer #14

Be orginal. At my school I brought my mom’s old license plate to school and put it in my locker, a lot of people asked about it and it brought up a conversation. Do something orginal and people will notice and ask about it.

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