How to cope with a miscarrage?

im 17 and was 9 weeks pregnant. On new years this year my sister kicked me in the stomach an I fell on my knees crying. My boyfriend was extremely mad. He wanted to beat the crap out of her. That following Sunday the 6th I got these horrible pains in my lower back. That is a sign of a miscarrage. And sure enough I had a miscarrage. Its been over a month and I still havent been to the doctor. I know I need to but im scared. My parents dont know about it, they know im sexually active though. I’ve asked my dad to sign me up for an apointment. so I should be going soon. I need some advise. Can you help?

Answer #1

I’m so very sorry to hear this happened to you. I had a misscarriage when I was 19yr. I know it may not seem like it now, but you will feel better with time. esp’ with your boyfriend to support you. you will never forget, but the pain eases. you know yu have to see a dr. please take care. hugs.

Answer #2

I’ve been in that situation its not easy you need to see a doctor definatly tho because youoo could get an infection

But If you have your boyfriends support I know its not easy but with time it eases a little bit!

But its still always going to be in the back of you mind

Hope everything goes okaii!

Answer #3

I haven’t been in that situation before, but I can imagine your feeling, iam so sorry for that, but first you have to see adoctor, great that your boyfriend is supporting you, by the time everything will be ok ,and you will enjoy your life and have many babies I hope, take care and good luck.

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