How to become taller

Im 17 years old 5 10 I think it is too short please tell me if there is a way I can reach about 6 4 or 6 5

Answer #1 I think

let me know if it works. ahahaha

Answer #2

actually it’s going to be a little bit hard but try 2 eat you know these kinds of food full with protins(they used tell me that when I was younger) But you know it’s not really a bad hight…it’s just normal…I’m 14 and I’m 6’9 everybody says that I’m tall but the fct is that I’m the shortest of my friends!!!what I want to say is that your normal just engoy it!!! gd luck :):)

Answer #3

umm… at 17? aint going to happen… unless you get like… some implants in your legs… some weird stuff.

get used to 5’10”, its a normal height

Answer #4

damn 5’10 your tall! and I doubt theres any way to make urself grow..I wish I was that tall lol im only 5’1!

Answer #5

ok dont listen to them lol, yes your already 17 but you havent completely stopped growing… you still have a few more years. Another thing to help you “grow taller” is try doing a lot of stretching sespecially your back, it increases the spaces in your spinal cord and helps thicken up the tendons and ligaments inbetween the disc’s possibly giving the person almost another 2 inches depending how much they’ve stretched it all already.

Answer #6

oh come on? is there sumthing wrong with you? im 17 and im only 5’7…so dont get so over dramatic..

Answer #7 I think

let me know if it works. ahahaha

Answer #8

5 10 is pretty tall already, and I’m pretty sure you can’t do that.

Answer #9

You are tall trust me you don’t need to be any taller!

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