how should I respond to him?

ok, so I’m 17 and in my first year of college. there is a 20-year old guy who I think likes me.. he flirts with me quite a bit. the other day we were talking online…and at the time, I was sad and I said I needed a hug. he asked where I was and I (stupidly) told him that I was sitting on my bed with my laptop. he then made a comment about how he “deeply regrets to say that he’s not in my bed and can’t hug me.” and I was like “whoa”

today, we were talking again, and he told me that he was on a bus, and he stared at the girl across from him for an hour because he thought she looked familiar. then he’s like “then I realized that the reason she looked familiar is because she does her eye makeup the same way you do”… kinda weird, because I really don’t do anything with my makeup… I just wear some mascara. that’s all.

so how should I respond to him? his name is Mark, btw. I don’t really like him, but I kinda like flirting with him… is that bad? what should I do? how should I respond?

Answer #1

It all sounds like “guy lines” to me :) Theres nothing wrong with flirting back, but unless you two really get to know each other and get past the games, I wouldn’t get too serious. I’m in my senior year at college, and believe me… they never grow out of that line!

“Aw I wish I was there with you” <– you hear it all the time. Really.

Answer #2

don’t flirt with him if your not gunna give him a chance with u

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